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Cardboard Contortionist - Jay Sankey EFFECT: Two cards are freely selected and signed by the spectators. The cards are then openly torn into quarters. The spectators actually see the magician count the separate quarters. Yet, in an instant, both cards are fully restored and given out for examination! Nothing is added or taken away. Any
In stock. $10.00 $0.01
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Airtight by Jay Sankey presented by Matt Johnson (BALLOONS INCLUDED) Performed on TV by Copperfield. Make a balloon swallow a deck, then PLUCK A SIGNED card through its walls. BONUS IDEAS FROM MATT JOHNSON AND HIGH QUALITY BALLOONS INCLUDED.
In stock. $19.95
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Coin Collector trick by Jay Sankey A Wildly Weird and Startling Effect from the Magical Mind of Jay SankeyYou show two small photographs, each with a picture of a quarter. You place one photo face down in a spectator's hand and the other photo is given a shake...and the quarter visually "pops" out of the picture, appearing in your ha
In stock. $10.00 $7.80
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In a Bind trick Sankey So visually arresting, you'll have to remind them to blink!You display a small spiral bound memo pad and a deck of cards, then proceed to openly write down a prediction in the pad. A spectator then selects a card and returns it to the pack.You explain that a mentalist would simply predict the card,
In stock. $15.00 $11.70
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Big Finish trick Sankey Two Mind Boggling Routines With Big Impact!  EFFECT: The magician tries to divine a chosen card, but can only narrow it down to four choices. But, when those cards are turned face up, they form a Jumbo image of the selected card! ORThe magician holds a pack of four cards. A spectator is asked t
In stock. $20.00 $15.60
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Chain Reaction trick - Sankey You display two single and separate links of chain. One link is closed inside of your fist and the second link is simply "dipped" inside. When it is pulled out, the two links have joined together! A third link is brought forth and it too is instantly linked on to the others! Your hands are empty and
In stock. $15.00 $11.70
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Key Deposit trick by Jay Sankey The magician brings out his key chain, removes a single key and places it into a spectator's hand. He then removes the metal key tag from the chain and points out the hole running through it. He places the tag into the spectator's other hand and explains he's going to make "nothing" move from one lo
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.60
Hole Hop trick by Jay Sankey One of the cleanest and fairest looking "traveling hole" effects you'll ever see!You open a card wallet and display a card with a large hole through its center. You openly remove this card from the wallet and place it on the table. A card is then selected from the deck and placed next to the HOLE ca
In stock. $10.00 $7.80
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Single Ambition trick Sankey Jay Sankey`sSingle Ambition A Visually Stunning And Eerie Effect!EFFECT: Your audience will be stunned when the ink off the face of a selected card is seen to VISIBLY MELT up through the card and become permanently adhered to the BACK of a card! This of course leaves the face of the card totally bla
In stock. $15.00 $11.70
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Just Name It Trick Sankey/Elmwood You begin by turning the top card of the deck face up.  You proceed to write a prediction across the face of that card.  You then spread the cards face up between your hands and ask the spectator to name any one of the cards they see.  They may choose any card; they can even change th
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.60
Compact Compass trick by Jay Sankey A fun effect that you can carry with you everywhere! From kids to adults, it's perfect for all types of audiences!Each of three cards are shown to have the image of an arrow printed on the face.You explain that these cards will actually respond to magnetic fields in the same way a compass does.
In stock. $15.00 $11.55
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Lightning Bolt by Jay Sankey A signed card is slowly inserted in the middle of the deck, only to reappear on top a moment later! This is repeated, and each time the signed card appears back on top. You even try to get rid of the signed card, Finally, you explain, "You might be amazed by the fact that the card keeps coming to th
In stock. $15.00 $11.70
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One Car Garage trick - Sankey An Animated Miracle With A Pack Of Cards EFFECT: The spectator selects and signs a card. The magician draws a small "garage door" on the back of the card. Then, slowly and in full view of everyone present, the drawing of the garage door is impossibly SLID OPEN to reveal a car parked inside! The
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
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