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Coin Collector trick by Jay Sankey A Wildly Weird and Startling Effect from the Magical Mind of Jay SankeyYou show two small photographs, each with a picture of a quarter. You place one photo face down in a spectator's hand and the other photo is given a shake...and the quarter visually "pops" out of the picture, appearing in your ha
In stock. $10.00 $7.80
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PHOTO SHOCK by Jay Sankey (DVD and Gimmick) SPECIAL OFFER: Order PhotoShock TODAY and receive Jay's amazing coin bending effect called "Wrapture" - Make a borrowed quarter bend around a borrowed penny. (This is a download and will appear as Photo Shock in your MyPenguinMagic access area)!The performer introduces a photograph with a bill wrap
Out of stock. $30.00 $22.50
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