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Heart on Sleeve By Oisin charms (Online instructions + gimmick custom made cufflinks) Heart on sleeve is a card reveal trick performed with romantic comedy.The participant picks a card and is given to hold in there hand.That card then appears on the magicians cufflinks.The magician the
In stock. $29.99
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Bulldog by Joel Dickinson (Instant Download) A groundbreaking new method. A card in full view SINCE BEFORE THE TRICK is the card your spectator SIGNS DURING THE TRICK. START LEARNING NOW.
In stock. $19.95
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Debajo (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Juan Luis Rubiales - Trick Cause coins, a dollar bill and a key to appear... beneath four NAMED cards! This routine is an ideal, formal close-up effect. Simple in plot and filled with opportunities to interact with your audience, you make four simple wagers. You remove a card and table it, and then ask someone to guess which
In stock. $20.00 $5.00
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Canamla - By Matt Pilcher (Instant Download) PREDICT THEIR CHOSEN CARD IN ADVANCE!
In stock. $7.49
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73336 by Geni (Instant Download) Self working, card trick
In stock. $11.75
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DULY NOTED Red (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Danny Weiser - Trick Here is a brilliant effect that's really clever and really different. THIS CAN BE A DIFFERENT CARD EVERY TIME. THE CUSTOM-BUILT GIMMICK WORKS IN ANY LANGUAGE. A prediction written on a Post-it Note is shown to your spectator. It reads, "YOU WILL SELECT THE 4 OF DIAMONDS." The Post-it Note is stuck o
Out of stock. $35.00
Never Wrong by David Luu (Instant Download) TOTALLY examinable. People could examine 2 decks for HOURS without finding out the secret. It's THAT good.
In stock. $5.55
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Space Shifter by Nicholas Lawrence and SansMinds - DVD Space Shifter is a piece of extremely visual eye candy. The visual is so strong, even perform with no presentation, spectators freak out every single time! Imagine getting your spectator to select a card and sign it. A corner of the card is torn off for the spectator to keep in one hand. Your specta
Out of stock. $24.95
FORCE by Pierre IACCARINO (Instant Download) A new technique to force a card ! BUILD YOUR OWN GIMMICK !
In stock. $6.95
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The Predictor by Alex (Instant Download) Effect: Mentalist writes a prediction and hands it to someone. Than he presents two decks of cards. One red and one blue. From a red deck a spectator deals any three cards face down. Than they place these cards anywhere in a blue deck in opposite direction. At the end it turns out that the mentalist
In stock. $15.00
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Trick Soup Part 1 By Gary Jones (Instant Download) A hearty broth of pro close-up!
In stock. $12.99
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JENZO Black (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Simon Craze - Trick You discover a puzzling curiosity in a leather pouch. Can JENZO really predict any card and any number? Slide the four strangely etched JENZO slabs out of their pocket-size leather pouch. Examine everything closely. What can these random mysterious markings possibly mean? But then... As you arrange
Out of stock. $29.95
PRISON DECK by Joo Miranda - Trick "I don't only love PRISON DECK, but I will use it for sure. As with all of Joo's creations, the PRISON DECK secret is very, very, clever." - Dani DaOrtiz PRISON DECK is one of the best utility props to come along in years! It is so versatile, it can be used in a multitude of different ways to match
In stock. $49.95 $44.96
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Devious by Vinny Sagoo (Neo Magic) (Instant Download) A devious ACAAN type effect, that looks super CLEAN and SUPER awesome!
In stock. $4.95
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WAJTTTT Presents - Method 01 by Calen Morelli - Trick WAJTTTT PRESENTS - METHOD 01 BY CALEN MORELLI(Pronounced- [wuht]) WAJTTTT IS METHOD 01? Imagine having the ability to cause any freely named card, or any two-digit number impossibly appear blistered on your fingertips. Method 01 is magic's most innovative blister effect. Method 01 is based on the or
In stock. $29.95 $28.45
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Prediction On Lock - Blue by Quique Marduk - Trick Looking for a great and unusual prediction effect? Here it is! The magician shows a padlock. Secured on it is a folded playing card. He places the padlock on the table in full view. The spectator is given a deck of cards, and is asked to deal them FACE UP onto the table. The spectator stops at ANY C
Out of stock. $25.00 $19.50
Prediction On Lock - Red by Quique Marduk - Trick Looking for a great and unusual prediction effect? Here it is! The magician shows a padlock. Secured on it is a folded playing card. He places the padlock on the table in full view. The spectator is given a deck of cards, and is asked to deal them FACE UP onto the table. The spectator stops at ANY C
Out of stock. $25.00 $19.50
Bluff (Blue with Online Instructions) by Jean-Pierre Vallarino - Trick How to create the impossible How to predict the unpredictable Well, you can do BOTH of the above, with... Bluff! The effect: Display a sealed envelope, and place it in full view on the table OPEN A NEW DECK (cellophane and label) Show the deck face and back, then mix and cut it Spread it on the mat
Out of stock. $29.95 $23.36
X-ACT Match by Daytona Magic - Trick A spectator is shown a deck of playing cards, both faces and backs. The magician tells the spectator that he is going to mark one card in the deck. He then takes a magic marker, turns his back to the spectator, and proceeds to mark the card. He then asks the spectator to name any card in the deck (F
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.40
Card Magic Masterclass (Forces) by Roberto Giobbi - DVD Introducing THE best way to build a card magic foundation. Twenty years ago, Roberto Giobbi, card magic's most distinguished author, wrote Card College, a series of books now considered THE Bibles on card magic. This DVD concentrates on forces and gives you an encyclopedic look at one of the most us
Out of stock. $25.00
SUPERBOWL by Matt Pilcher video Download SUPERBOWL by Matt Pilcher is an incredibly unique take on a prediction effect. An envelope with a prediction inside is set down on the table. Then the cards are shown to have the different NFL teams written on them. The cards are shuffled and cut into two piles. Your spectator takes one card from ea
In stock. $10.00
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Mini Tower Prediction by Quique Marduk - Trick The magician shows a sealed envelope with his prediction inside. The spectator selects a card; let's say, the Queen of Hearts. The magician opens the envelope and there is a jumbo card!... But wait, it's not the Queen. Suddenly, the jumbo card changes into a 16" inch card tower!... But wait, the sel
In stock. $39.95
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Between by David Devlin and AMG Magic video DOWNLOAD If you're looking for a card trick with a powerful closing and a kicker to boot, it is Between! A trick with a simple method that is easy to learn and easy to perform with a guaranteed surprise finish that will wow audiences. Between can be performed almost anywhere and is ideal for mentalists and c
In stock. $10.00
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Instan Predictions by Arif Illusionist video DOWNLOAD An amazing prediction that comes true! Arif Illusionist returns again by creating a simple mental magic technique. The magician places a prediction on the table. The spectator deals through a deck of cards, stopping whenever they want. The card at that position is revealed - it is exactly the card p
In stock. $9.00
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