Sankey Unleashed (PDF E-book)
The essential collection of ground-breaking original Sankey for the serious close-up magician. A whopping 81 TRICKS, 192 PAGES! Highly Recommended!
A Different Side of Me by Joshua Jay (6 Instant Downloads)
Six fresh and original tricks from the mind of Joshua Jay! Highly commercial and fun to perform. Features Joshua Jay's s workhorse card routine + Cornered, an ingenious new concept in money magic!
Hand-picked Astonishments (Card Forces) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay video DOWNLOAD
A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Card Forces and more! All hand-picked by Paul Harris, Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and
The Vault - The Big Tiny by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD
This effect is the perfect closer and is simply AMAZING! You will fool yourself with the method. A spectator's signature reassembles itself on the side of a deck of ordinary playing cards and then multiplies in their hands. Your spectator truly mixes up the cards, and then the ink morphs into their