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The Sankey Sanders Sessions (2 DVDs) This is the underground hit of the year. Get ready to session with two of the most innovative minds in sleight-of-hand magic. These guys will FRY you again and again! Highly recommended!
Out of stock. $60.00 $48.00
Tarantula 2 by Yigal Mesika The most powerful close-up levitation device just got better. Redesigned from scratch, T2 is a miracle machine. LIMITED SUPPLY. ORDER SOON AND IT'LL SHIP TODAY.
Out of stock. $75.00
Psychic Spinner presented by Dalton Wayne Take a mysterious object, imbue it with mind-reading powers, then.. if and only if you're crazy... even make it float!! IN STOCK. INTRO PRICE ENDS SOON.
Out of stock. $30.00 $19.95
Marvin's iMagic Interactive Tin of Tricks - Trick Combining traditional magic secrets with the latest technology. Offering the next level in astonishing illusion, interactive play and mind blowing entertainment.A tin box collection of magical props that combine with the unique Marvin's iMagic App to unveil incredible and interactive secret smart ma
Out of stock. $49.95 $38.46
Cardiographic Stage Electronic by Martin Lewis & Joo Miranda - Trick Cardiographic is a stage effect used by JOHNNY THOMPSON, DAVID COPPERFIELD, WHIT HAYDN, MICHAEL WEBER and professional magicians worldwide. This is Martin Lewis's classic effect in which a card rises from a drawing and is then handed out as a souvenir. Now comes Cardiographic Stage Electronic Versio
Out of stock. $1500.00
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