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Eureka Deck Marked/Stripped by Royal Magic - Trick Some of the greatest card mysteries in the world can be performed without special skill with the aid of a marked deck.Playing Cards are Bridge Size.
Out of stock. $5.00 $3.75
Refill for Boris Wild Marked Deck Replenish your supply of marking materials for Boris Wild's Complete Marked Deck system.Contains one sheet-enough characters to mark three decks. Related Items:Boris Wild Marked Deck Book Boris Wild Marked Deck Video
Out of stock. $12.50 $9.38
The Boris Wild Marked Deck (RED) (Bicycle) A nearly limitless number of staggering magical effects awaits the owner...
Out of stock. $20.00 $16.00
Ultimate Marked Deck (Red) Yes, the Ultimate is the marked deck you have been dreaming of!
In stock. $39.95
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Ultimate Marked Deck (Blue) Yes, the Ultimate is the marked deck you have been dreaming of!
Out of stock. $39.95
Miracles with a Marked Deck featuring Kirk Charles (DVD) Magic with a marked deck has never been easier to learn!
Out of stock. $18.00 $13.50
Phoenix Marked Decks Set (4 Decks + DVD) One of the worlds BEST marked decks just got BETTER. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $40.00
Drunk by Hondo - DVD "Hey, Hondo, are you serious? Revealing such useful tips, you must have been bloody drunk!" - Hanson Chien"The top confidentiality that the fans of Infinitum must not miss! For DIY fanciers, "Drunk" should be on your To-Buy list, too." - Nie TeHondo was drunk, and got tricked badly!With the threat o
Out of stock. $25.00
Marked Deck (Blue Bee Style, Juice) by David Malek - Trick These cards have been marked using a special kind of juice formula. These cards are great for magic tricks and can be seen, by you, from up to 15 feet away. These cards are hard to read and you have to train your eyes to be able to read them. It can take anywhere from an hour to a week to learn to s
In stock. $55.00
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Marked Deck (Blue Bicycle Style, Angel Shade Juice) by David Malek - Trick Defy anyone to spot the marks on these cards. Only a few people in the country will know what to look for. Perhaps the best marking system used by cheats today. Excellent for an expose on gambling. Professionally marked. Sold for entertainment purposes only. Complete with instructions by Dr. X.
Out of stock. $55.00
Marked Deck (Uday's) by Uday - Trick Deck of bridge size card with secret markings on the backs which tells you the name of the card.
Out of stock. $3.00
Transparency, The Boris Wild Marked Deck Book by Boris Wild - Book Everything you ever wanted to know about the marked deck but were afraid to ask! Just think of the power you would have if you could find any face-down card in a shuffled deck in three or four seconds. What would you do? Yes, miracles! All of the most amazing effects that Boris Wild has ever created
Out of stock. $50.00
Phoenix Parlour Marked Deck (Blue) by Card-Shark - Trick The World's Smallest Jumbo DeckSounds silly, but it isn't. These cards are the perfect size for pro performers, every magician who has handled these cards was surprised how easily he could apply all his learned sleights including palming. With just a few minutes of practice, you will never use "smal
Out of stock. $15.00
Phoenix Parlour Marked Deck (Red) by Card-Shark - Trick The World's Smallest Jumbo DeckSounds silly, but it isn't. These cards are the perfect size for pro performers, every magician who has handled these cards was surprised how easily he could apply all his learned sleights including palming. With just a few minutes of practice, you will never use "smal
Out of stock. $15.00
Marked 4 Life by Wayne Dobson - Book If you already use a marked deck, all of the routines described in this book are workers and if you don't already use a marked deck? You Should!Wayneman: If you like the idea of a spectator shuffling a deck of cards and thinking of any number between one and 52 and you instantly name the card at the
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.40
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