Position Impossible by Brent Braun
Find a thought-of card at ANY number. Brent has been closing his shows with this for over 5 years. NEW MULTI-PHASE GREG WILSON ROUTINE NOW INCLUDED.
Peter Turner LIVE 2 (Instant Download)
Peter Turner returns to Penguin LIVE to share more of his unique brand of incredible mentalism! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
Brent Braun LIVE (Instant Download)
One of the world's most deviously clever creators came to Penguin for a MASSIVE 3-hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
Totally Hands Off by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download)
A masterpiece that puts everyone on the edge of their seats and you at the center of attention. A thought-of card appears at a thought-of number. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
Counter Intuitive by Cameron Francis (Instant Download)
This trick is RIDICULOUS from start to finish. Ridiculously fooling, gets more ridiculous with every phase, and is ridiculously easy to learn. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
Psyche by Peter Turner (Instant Download)
Miracles. Magic that cannot be explained or reverse engineered. Turner's most advanced work to date. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.