Magic 8 Ball by Roddy McGhie (Trick)
Visually reveal a SIGNED card by SHAKING A MAGIC 8-BALL. Looks like CGI. Then GIVE IT AWAY AS A SOUVENIR! 50 souvenir cards included.
Envylope 2.0 by Brandon David & Chris Turchi
Get the strongest reactions you've ever seen. A deck of cards and an envelope visually switch places, and inside the envelope is their signed card! LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER.
Card Sharps by Penguin Magic
Basically steroids for playing cards. A secret supplement you add to your deck that gives you super-powers. The included tutorial teaches awesome tricks to get you started! 125 GIMMICKS INCLUDED.
Blow by Juan Capilla
Use just your breath to perform the most visual card transposition ever! Show cards front and back, before and after! Full routine included.