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The Magic of Michael Ammar (Hardcover) The best single-volume magic book ever published is here. With an introduction by David Copperfield, this book has it all. Tricks, theory and business for every venue. The perfect desert-island read.
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The Books of Wonder by Tommy Wonder (2 Volume Set) An uncompromising manifesto. A masterpiece. A legacy. And as heavily studied and beloved as these books are, they still contain hidden secrets waiting for you to unlock. LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER.
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Second Thoughts by Ramon Rioboo and Hermetic Press (Hardcover) A collection of magic that fools the most knowledgeable audiences, designed to be performed with an air of casualness. LIMITED FIRST EDITION FIRST PRINTING.
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Cups & balls booklet (Book) For centuries, the Cups and Balls has fascinated audiences and magicians alike. The trick ahs been featured by nearly every great performer in the history of the art, in nearly every venue, from street corners to Broadway theaters. It is likely the most popular magic trick of all time.Inside this bo
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Cups and Balls (Booklet) vol. 3 Learn to handle the Cups and Balls, and you can truly call yourself a magician!
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Frederick Eugene Powell: Master of Magic and Mystery! - Book The name Frederick Eugene Powell is sadly forgotten by contemporary society. Most often it is recalled only by the most serious students of magic history. Even conjuring contemporaries like Harry Kellar and Howard Thurston are but names from the distant past. Why then, a biography on this bygone mag
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Crazy Man's Handcuffs by Michael Ammar - Book Effect: A rubber band is stretched between the index finger and thumb of the left hand, and a second rubber band, dangling from the right index finger is lowered into the half circle created by the left thumb and index finger. The right thumb moves into the loop of the band dangling from the ri
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The Complete Cups and Balls - Book Universally acclaimed as the effect which every magician should study!!! There has never been a more complete or more effective way to discover the fascinating secrets of this enduring classic!!!
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Street Cups and Balls by Gazzo (Book) World-class street performer Gazzo finally reveals his legendary routine for the Cups and Balls. You'll have the chance to learn every detail and nuance, ensuring that you won't simply learn the methods and sleights, but the subtleties and thinking that make all the difference. Along the way, Gazzo
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Magical Arts Journal (Regular Edition) by Michael Ammar and Adam Fleischer - Book The Art and Business of Magic The Magical Arts Journal is a ground breaking magical publication devoted to both the art and business of magic that was published and edited by FISM world champion magician Michael Ammar and magic publishing and event production innovator Adam J. Fleischer. You'll find
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The Topit Book 2.0 by Michael Ammar - Book Imagine the power to make almost anything in your hands disappear. Being able to make almost anything disappear, probably more than anything else, makes me feel like a magician. With the Topit I can amaze a person with anything he puts in my hands! Without warning or need to prepare. The Topit is a
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