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SPONGE Starring Jay Noblezada (DVD + 4 Sponge Balls) Beginner to pro with sponge balls! Package includes everything you need to add a worldclass sponge ball routine to your act.
In stock. $19.95
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The Sheridan Course in Card Manipulation by Jeff Sheridan - DVD TWO (DVD Download) DVD ONE (2 hours 11 minutes)history of card manipulationwhat is card manipulation?how did you get interested in card manipulation?mentorswho are your mentors?cardsback palmback palm teach-incontinuous production of single cards from behind the hands continuous production of single cards from behind
In stock. $29.95
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SPONGE Starring Jay Noblezada (DVD Download) Beginner to pro with sponge balls! Add a worldclass sponge ball routine to your act.
In stock. $14.95
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The Sheridan Course in Card Manipulation by Jeff Sheridan - DVD THREE (DVD Download) DVD ONE (2 hours 11 minutes)history of card manipulationwhat is card manipulation?how did you get interested in card manipulation?mentorswho are your mentors?cardsback palmback palm teach-incontinuous production of single cards from behind the hands continuous production of single cards from behind
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The Sheridan Course in Card Manipulation by Jeff Sheridan (3 DVD Set) The pioneer of modern street magic. The grand master of card manipulation. SIX HOURS on THREE DVDS. NOW SHIPPING!
In stock. $69.95
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30 Tricks & Tips with Magic Spongeballs (DVD) The highest quality in magic spongeballs are here! Countless magic effects can be performed with 2 inch red spongeballs! DVD ONLY! DVD featuring Eddy Ray. RECOMMENDED: Goshman Super Soft Spongeballs (not included).
In stock. $10.99
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Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Vol.1 by Tom Mullica - DVD Note: 'Vol.12' refers to VHS releaseCigarette Magic for the non-smoker, and plenty for those that do!In most of our collective lifetimes there has only been one man, and one act, who over and over again fooled the bejeesus out of magicians and laymen alike: Of course, I am talking about Tom Mullica
In stock. $29.95 $7.49
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Zoom, Bounce, And Fly by Jeff McBride - DVD Learn the inside secrets of card spinning, McBride's famous floor bouncing, extreme card spin productions, flourishes, card juggling, and much much more!...taught to you by one of the world's greatest teachers of magic!Also included with the DVD, is a special McGrip-Tip SUPER CARD SHOOTERDVD Content
In stock. $39.95 $32.76
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Jeff McBride - The Art of Card Manipulation - Set (Vols. 1-3) - DVD Learn the inside secrets of PROFESSIONAL card manipulation from world famous Jeff McBride. Routines, sleights, productions, and flourishes are clearly taught and demonstrated!!! Highly Recommended!!!
Out of stock. $105.00 $91.88
Jeff McBride - The Art of Card Manipulation - Volume 1 - DVD Volume 1 Contents:Thumb Fan and Closing a Fan; Pressure Fan; Charlier Cut; One Handed Fan - S Fan; Wink Change; Springing the Cards; Waterfall Shuffle; Cards from the Mouth; Riffle Palm; Blank Fan; Window Change; Ed Marlo Snap Change; Ken Brooke Single Production; Perfect Production; Snap Production
In stock. $35.00 $14.98
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Jeff McBride - The Art of Card Manipulation - Volume 2 - DVD Volume 2 Contents:Back - Palming - Single Production; Thurston Five - Card Vanish and Reproduction; Preparing the Cards - Best Cards to Use; Split Fan Productions; Front Hand Split; Cards From the Silk; Gloves and Cards; Body Loads and Steals - Clips - Vesting; Acquitments - Reverse Benson Move; Fly
In stock. $35.00 $14.98
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Jeff McBride - The Art of Card Manipulation - Volume 3 - DVD Volume 3 Contents:One Handed Shuffle; Triple Cut; Paul Draylin Cut; Butterfly Cut; Curly - Q Move; Auto Cut - Rolo - Deck; Boomerang Card; Card Spinning; Garcia's Eclipse Production; Card Production; Japanese Card Production; Del Rosso Buffo; Garcia's Million Dollar Production; Cardini's Cards and S
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Amazing Magic Tricks with Sponge Balls by Royal Magic (DVD) With this introductory DVD on sponge ball tricks, you'll be well on your way to mastering this astonishing branch of the magic art.
Out of stock. $9.95
Jeff Sheridan Genius At Work: Volume 4 - Stand-Up Stunners On this volume, Jeff Sheridan shares some amazing effects suitable for parlor and platform.This is innovative, cutting-edge magic that will excite even the most jaded audiences.Cheek To Cheek - A packet of cards is repeatedly mixed up in face-up/face-down fashion yet rights itself - and the fact tha
In stock. $35.00 $24.56
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Showoff with Cards (DVD) What it takes to become the best... This DVD contains an excessive number of showoff moves.
Out of stock. $35.00 $29.95
Amazing Easy to Learn Magic Tricks with Spongeballs (DVD Only) Learn how to amaze your audience with spongeballs. Easy to learn routines and vanishes, including the Retention Vanish, Benson Bowl Routine, and must more! DVD only, spongeballs sold seperately. Recommended Spongeballs: Goshman Super Soft Spongeballs! Included on this DVD:Basic RoutineThumb Palm Van
In stock. $8.99
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Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 1 by Daryl - DVD Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide. Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Ball
In stock. $19.95 $7.48
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Sponge Balls (World's Greatest Magic) - DVD Imagine the best magic, the best magicians, and the best producers all in one place.Imagine no more...The Secrets of SPONGE BALLSA virtual goldmine of routines, sleights and subtleties with sponge balls! If you could have one set of magic DVDs, this would be it! This benchmark collection featur
In stock. $19.95 $15.96
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Basics Of Expert Billiard Ball And Thimble Manipulation by Brad Burt - DVD As with all Brad Burt Private Lesson Teaching DVD's this one teaches each technique IN DEPTH. The majority of the DVD is on the popular Multiplying Billiard Balls with a solid selection of sleights with Thimbles added. One of the highlights is Brad's Billiard Ball routine which can be done for
Out of stock. $30.00 $24.60
Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Vol.3 by Tom Mullica - DVD  Note 'Vol.14' refers to VHS releaseCigarette Magic for the non-smoker, and plenty for those that do!In most of our collective lifetimes there has only been one man, and one act, who over and over again fooled the bejeesus out of magicians and laymen alike: Of course, I am talking about Tom Mul
In stock. $30.00 $7.50
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Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Vol.2 by Tom Mullica - DVD Note 'Vol.13' refers to VHS releaseCigarette Magic for the non-smoker, and plenty for those that do!In most of our collective lifetimes there has only been one man, and one act, who over and over again fooled the bejeesus out of magicians and laymen alike: Of course, I am talking about Tom Mullica a
In stock. $30.00 $7.50
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Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - 3 DVD Set by Tom Mullica - DVD  Note 'Vol.12' refers to VHS releaseNote 'Vol.13' refers to VHS releaseNote 'Vol.14' refers to VHS releaseCigarette Magic for the non-smoker, and plenty for those that do!In most of our collective lifetimes there has only been one man, and one act, who over and over again fooled the bejeesus ou
Out of stock. $79.95 $68.76
Xtreme Beginners (2 DVD Set) Vol.2 - DVD Learn Card Throwing, Pen Spinning, Dice Stacking, and XCM from the world's best! This brand new 2 DVD set from Handlordz destroys the traditional thoughts of manipulation. Never before has such a diverse group of manipulators been assembled to create such an incredible DVD, packaged in classic Handl
Out of stock. $40.00 $30.00
Extreme CD Manipulation (2 DVD set) - Trick Product Description The ultimate secrets on CD manipulation are finally revealed! In this "Extreme CD Manipulation" DVD set, the award-winning magician Adrian Man opens his suitcase and is glad to share with all magic lovers his own innovative CD manipulation effects and sleights. The techniques sho
Out of stock. $45.00 $33.75
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