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SANKEY MAGIC CLASSICS SERIES: Sankey 1999 (DVD) Learn 25 extremely original effects plus 4 ADDED BONUS EFFECTS with coins, cards, matches, and drinking straws!
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Supernatural by Jay Sankey - DVD This is without a doubt one of the most powerfully stimulating collections of magic and mentalism Jay has ever released! The sixteen killer routines include knock-out effects with steel bolts, monopoly money, ping pong balls, drinking straws, bottle caps, dollar bills, glass capsules, business card
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Jay Sankey LIVE (DVD) Jay Sankey shared TONS of real-world usable magic AND some killer theory in this 3 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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COIL by Jay Sankey - Trick One of the most VISUAL bending effects ever! Perform COIL as the perfect opening effect. And then wear the bent nail as a finger ring for the rest of your show! Or perform COIL as a closing effect, as a powerful reputation-maker. And thanks to the specially- machined gimmick included with the full-l
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