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Cold Case by Greg Wilson (Download + Gimmick) Even if you TOLD people you're going to switch decks, THEY WON'T SEE IT.
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Pyrotechnic Pasteboards with Gregory Wilson (DVD Download) Forget those mind-numbing, deal down, Uncle Charlie card tricks. This is fast and furious, in-your-face card flaunting! Highly Recommended!!!
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Card Stunts with Gregory Wilson (DVD Download) This is extremely visual card magic that hits 'em right between the eyes with speed, impact and mid-air acrobatics!
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Pip Streak by Gregory Wilson (download + Equipment) Eye-popping, VISUAL Card Magic. Your deck comes to life and the pips start STREAKING across the cards from each and every corner. Doug Conn invented the concept. Gregory Wilson SIMPLIFIED it.
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In Action Set (Vol 1 thru 3) by Gregory Wilson video DOWNLOAD With snow-capped mountains and plush pine trees as the new L&L backdrop, you'll see people laughing, screaming, losing their breath and simply staring into space from pure astonishment-and that's just from the striking lake view. Greg's magic isn't so bad either. Some of the bonus footage was sh
In stock. $99.95
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The Casino Con by Steve Gore and Gregory Wilson - Trick The faces of 10 vintage Jokers are shown, then the backs are displayed to be from 10 different casinos that have been demolished. The spectator shuffles the Jokers and lays them on the table. You give them your "lucky" poker chip to hold unseen. They now choose any of the Jokers on the table, and yo
Out of stock. $29.95
On the Spot with Gregory Wilson (2 Volumes on 1 DVD!) On the Spot is a guerilla course in performing impromptu magic. The material is so strong, you could show up at your next gig with no other magic and still entertain the daylights out of them!!!
Out of stock. $49.95
Gregory Wilson JAM PACK (LIMITED QTY) LIMITED TIME OFFER "In Action" PLUS "PIP STREAK" - A practical and MASSIVE collection of miracles you can do anywhere with minimal setup.
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