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Gold Dust Finale by Paul Gordon - Book This final volume of the best-selling Gold Dust Trilogy contains 63 NEW tricks (as of 2015). Each and every trick is powerful and magical. 128 pages. Top-quality saddle-stitched cloth-covered hardback. Gold Dust Finale contains some real gems. It's been said (on The Magic Cafe) that Killer Mystery C
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Gold Dust Companion by Paul Gordon - Book The response to Gold Dust in 2012 was and is truly overwhelming. We received hundreds of letters and emails asking why we didn't include this trick or that trick. Well, it was down to space issues! We were reluctant to do Gold Dust 2, but Gold Dust Companion is really an extension of Gold Dust. The
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Solomon's Secrets by David Solomon - Book David Solomon is one of the nation's most prolific card veterans, accumulating fifty three years of questioning and challenging magical thinking-always striving for the most interesting and fooling methods. From the last ten years of publishing more than 100 tricks online, in magazines and in DVDs c
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Andrus Card Control 1 by Jerry Andrus Taught by John Redmon video DOWNLOAD Incredible moves from the legendary Jerry Andrus are now available for study! In this foundational volume, John Redmon, close friend and student of Jerry Andrus, will teach you 5 different versions of the Diagonal Jog Push-In Control along with applications for in-jogs, side-jogs, and diagonal-jogs.
In stock. $10.00
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Andrus Card Control 3 by Jerry Andrus Taught by John Redmon video DOWNLOAD More incredible moves from the legendary Jerry Andrus are now available for studying! John Redmon continues his master class on Jerry Andrus's legendary material! This volume focuses on the Sidewinder move and its incredible applications. Intro Sidewinder Shift (book method) New Sidewinder Shift (Je
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The Vault - Selenium Shift by Chris Severson and Shin Lim Presents video DOWNLOAD The Best Card Control in Magic! "The Selenium Shift is the ClipShift of this generation. The best control I've seen so far hands down." - Shin Lim "If you think the control is fooling, wait until you see the applications. One of the most convincing controls out there." - Patrick Kun The Selenium Shi
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Sebastian LIVE ACT (Instant Download) A bulletproof 20 minute act that fits in your pocket. Polished over 9 years of real-world performance. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. START LEARNING THE FULL ACT TODAY.
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Bound Control by Alex Loschilov video DOWNLOAD "This shouldn't be possible. After watching this multiple times, I still have no idea how this works."- Orbit Brown"A beautiful, versatile, and deceiving technique."- John GustafaroFrom the creator of Ascension comes a clean, natural card control to the bottom of the deck. In the most unsuspecting m
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1986 control card by T-Ha ( Young Magic ) (Instant Download) sleight of hand with many applications an extremely deceptive control with an ungimmicked deck of cards.
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DV Change by David Luu (Instant Download) Card Change , card trick , street magic
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Hands :: Volume 1 by Eric Stevens (Instant Download) Spice up your card handling skills!
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Underground Change by Sebastian (CONJURERS team member) (Instant Download) The most unbelievable card change ever ¡¡
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At The Table Live Ben Train - DVD As an award-winning, world-renowned magician and mentalist, Ben Train uses his humor, psychology, and mind-blowing sleight of hand to AMAZE us! He will have you laughing out loud and wondering in awe throughout this At The Table lecture! When Ben isn't on stage, he is busy producing live shows for T
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Article 52 by Paul Gordon - Book Well, I know I said Quidnunc was to be my last book, but I just couldn't help myself! The last two years have been really creative ones for me and the result is Article 52. Excuse immodesty, but it really is chock-full of killers! Article 52 includes my new handling of my Head To Head Poker (from Go
In stock. $45.00 $36.90
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Magic Encarta Presents DF Control by Vivek Singhi video DOWNLOAD As a control, it's invisible! As a demonstration, it generates huge applause! DF Control is based on one of the most classic moves in magic-- the Deck Flip. DF Control lets you control any card from the middle of the deck to the top in the action of doing a Deck Flip. Powerful Visual One handed!!! S
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The Vault - 3DM by Mike Hankins video DOWNLOAD An EXTREMELY visual color change. A VERY deceptive switch. A SEAMLESS card control. All for the price of 1. This is 3DM! 3DM (3 Deceptive Moves), is a collection of sleights from the creative mind of Mike Hankins. These sleights have been in Mike's working repertoire for close to 10 years, and now h
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Gold Dust by Paul Gordon - Book Gold Dust was four years in the making and was released in 2012. It's Paul Gordon's very best writing, very best production and very best magic. It's a big book! Each and every trick really is a startler! This is the very best of Paul's thirty-five years of creating; and all under one great-looking,
Out of stock. $69.95 $53.86
Smooth Z by Zee - DVD Zee once whispered, "I believe 'finesse' and 'purpose' are going to be the new keywords for magic from now on." If you have checked out Zee's previous works, such as Project Z, Classic Pass Z, and even HTDCM, then you have probably noticed his work is all about refining existing sleights or developi
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