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Sankey's Best Magic w/Ordinary Objects by Jay Sankey (DVD) 20 of Jay's most celebrated routines with ordinary household objects.
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The Sankey Sanders Sessions (2 DVDs) This is the underground hit of the year. Get ready to session with two of the most innovative minds in sleight-of-hand magic. These guys will FRY you again and again! Highly recommended!
Out of stock. $60.00 $48.00
Omnilope by Jay Sankey (DVD + Gimmick) An incredible switching device! The ingenious OMNILOPE design combines the powerful visual element of a clear switch bag with the angle-proof practicality of traditional switch bags. Even better, OMNILOPE features a very ordinary-looking white paper envelope! The combination of all those valuable qu
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The Disappearance by Jay Sankey - DVD The performer hands a small pay envelope to someone to hold, commenting that, "inside the envelope is a prediction of the exact card you will select."A card is then selected from the pack and the magician removes a sheet of clear acetate from the envelope. But printed on the acetate is not one, but
Out of stock. $29.95
Amazing Magic and Mentalism Volume 2 by Jay Sankey - DVD AMAZING MAGIC AND MENTALISM ANYONE CAN DO! (VOLUME 2) Penetrating Around the World Behind Your Back Heavy Metal Stop Sign M.A.G.I.C. Hypnotized Handkerchief Psychic's Choice Rising Card Bender Two in the Hand Shout 10,000 Words Tap Vanish Seeing Things Reunion Long Distance Magic Dust Spirit Writing
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.70
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