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Christopher Carter LIVE (Instant Download) One of our highest rated products of all time. Learn the material that Christopher Carter uses to earn a living. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Think of One by Allan Kronzek (Instant Download) One of the strongest tricks you can possibly do. From a borrowed shuffled deck, you find a MERELY THOUGHT-OF CARD. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Freeform Mentalism by Peter Turner (Instant Download) Mentalism can be life-changing, Peter Turner proves it every day. And today, he's going to teach YOU how he does it. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Performing the Q&A by Gerry McCambridge (Hardcover) A lifetime of experience distilled into one definitive volume. You could easily build a career with the contents of this one book. IN STOCK. LIMITED SUPPLY.
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Charmed By Lewis Le Val (Instant Download) The freshest mind-reading routine we've seen in ages. Not one but TWO powerful techniques that will charm any crowd. INTRO PRICE ENDS AT MIDNIGHT. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Zodiac by Dee Christopher (Instant Download) The most effective and deceptive method of gaining a participants personal information!
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The Signal by Emma Wooding (Instant Download) Divine a thought of dream with 100% accuracy!
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All Tied Up by Chris Philpott (Instant Download) "One of the most powerful tricks you'll ever do with a pack of cards." -Steve Valentine
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Multisensory Bags (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Luca Volpe , Alan Wong and Paul McCaig- Trick Have you ever wished to perform a full 10 minutes psychometry stage routine that is entertaining and impossible to backtrack? Well, now you can with the Multisensory Bags! The Multisensory Bags is a modern approach to psychometry routines that uses a modern nylon zippered bag design and three ways o
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Motivational Cards (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Luca Volpe - Trick DO YOU WANT TO MOTIVATE YOUR AUDIENCE AND READ THEIR MINDS AT THE SAME TIME? Your search is over! Motivational Cards is here! Imagine this: You ask a spectator to think of something relating to their future, like a dream they want to achieve. Then you show a deck of square cards with motivational qu
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