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The Vault - Dr. Fun by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD Dr. Fun by Paul Harris (From the TA Box Set) Imagine the emotional impact when you are able to predict the happiest moment of someone's life! After over forty attempts, Paul finally nailed the perfect fun method for this biggie that has all the impact of Deep Astonishment and The Anything Deck, exce
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Vortex Magic Presents FALL by Banachek and Philip Ryan - Trick This is one of the strongest effects you can do with a Sharpie marker. A Sharpie is placed on a table or on a glass. The performer concentrates and the pen falls dramatically to the floor. Simple, direct yet powerful. Both Banachek and Ryan have had people screaming and even running out of a room!NO
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Bliss (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Noel Qualter - Trick BLISS - Bill Loaded Into Sharpie SystemSMASH HIT AT BLACKPOOL 2018Six years in the making, dozens of prototypes and thousands of hours of problem solving, Noel Qualter is finally ready to release BLISS.BLISS is a breakthrough system that allows you to vanish a borrowed, signed bill and cleanly show
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