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Miracle Pickpocket by R. Paul Wilson A multi-phase mystery from one of the world's foremost experts in con-artistry. Secretly AND in full view, you're able to melt coins through a purse. SPECIAL COINS INCLUDED.
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Visible Coin Through Glass by Jack Griggs Mixed Media DOWNLOAD Devised by his magical mentor and friend of over 30 years, in the video on this page you can see Jonathan Royle performing Jack Griggs' legendary Visible Coin Through Glass several times. As far as the viewing audience is concerned, it can look exactly as follows. You borrow a coin and have it signe
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CTC Project (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Peter Eggink - Trick The Coin Through Can has evolved. The magic happens IN THE HANDS of the spectator where a borrowed (and signed if desired) coin is thrown from a distance towards an empty soda can that a spectator holds in THEIR HAND... The coin is flicked towards the can... only to magically PENETRATE the fibers of
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