The Raven Starter Kit by Chuck Leach
The greatest close-up vanishing device of all time. Looks like real magic, and easy to do. DEVICE, PROPS AND TRAINING VIDEO INCLUDED. GET YOURS TODAY.
GONE by Leo Xing
A test-conditions teleportation of a SIGNED card from the deck to NESTED envelopes THEY are holding. No sleight-of-hand. Show envelope front and back. EACH UNIT HAND-MADE.
Skymember Presents PUZZLE by Rizki Nanda video DOWNLOAD
There are hundreds of sleight-of-hand moves to make a card disappear, but not everyone is capable of performing these crazy moves. This is why Rizki Nanda-the creator of multiple phenomenal magic products JumpInk, Propel and Decode -- has created PUZZLE. PUZZLE gimmicks allow anyone to vanish any ca