roddys tricks is a featured magic Act created by hollybygolly using the Act Builder tool at Penguin Magic. The tricks in this Act were hand-picked and ordered by hollybygolly. If you're looking for inspiration or tricks to add to your Act, this is a great place to start. The Act goes in order starting with this opener...
Lucid by Roddy McGhie Instantly vanish, change and transform objects in a clear bag IN FULL VIEW. The most visual trick of the year. Very limited supply. LIMITED SUPPLY.
Predicshuns by Roddy McGhie One of the most charming tricks we've ever seen, Predicshuns lets you use a child’s drawing to reveal a FREELY named card! .
Zerox by Roddy McGhie The most startling card printing trick we've ever seen. Two SIMULTANEOUS magic moments: a light from nowhere PRINTS a card like a photocopier!!