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Chris Capehart LIVE (Instant Download) Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to learn from a true master of the craft! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Chris Capehart's The Rings by Kozmomagic - DVD Chris Capehart has been dubbed "The Ring Master" for good reasons. Chris's three-ring routine, which he perfected in 1981, has been acclaimed by some of the world's most renowned magicians as "the best of the best". He mesmerizes magicians and audiences with a close-up ring routine more commonly per
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Kidding Around (2 DVD Set) by Chris Capehart (DVD) Chris Capehart is one of the most successful Magic Performers in the World. On this 2 DVD set, Chris performed his hilariously funny kids show. Chris will perform and explain: Cards for Kids Misers Dream* Coloring Book Matilda and the Lola Bowl Sponge Balls Hoppin Spots Botanica The Rings* Change Ba
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Miser's Dream by Chris Capehart - DVD The Misers Dream along with Coins Across, Continuous Coins, One in the Hand and Two in the Pocket and the Total Vanish are the tricks you will learn on this dvd. "Chris Capehart is one of my absolute favorite magicians! He's funny, fast, and fearless. The moment he steps out onto the stage, he owns
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