Doc Dixon LIVE (Instant Download) One of the greatest professional workers of our time came to Penguin for an inspiring 3-hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Dynamite In A Small Package by Doc Dixon Presenting Dynamite in a Small Package by Doc Dixon "The other magicians laughed at me when I said was doing 25+ minutes on stage with only a deck of cards and a marker, but their laughter turned to awe when the audience CHEERED for my show!" A real world in the Trenches Review: This in the Trenche
In stock. $35.00
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Maweege by Doc Dixon "Really love Maweege. I'll be using it for sure.Video is full of good tips for people ...Maweege is a killer effect, man. I love that thing."- Canadian Comedy Magic Legend, Matt Disero "Highly recommended." - Fred Becker, Magic Great and Cruise Ship Pro (He literally wrote the book on the subject.)
In stock. $65.00
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Ships in the Night by Doc Dixon (Instant Download) Card-to-pocket ON STEROIDS. Four SIGNED cards appear in 4 separate pockets! You'll look like a sleight-of-hand MASTER. LEARN INSTANTLY. NOW SHIPPING.
In stock. $9.95
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At The Table Live Lecture - Doc Dixon September 17th 2014 video DOWNLOAD Doc is a renaissance man. Cards, coins, and even paper balls, Doc Dixon is truly well-rounded in magic. He has numerous published works including his MonkeyShines series which is hilarious and full of amazing material including information on failure tricks and even his take on the Paper Balls over
In stock. $9.95
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Monkeyshines Vol. 1 by Doc Dixon - Book PART I: CLOSE-UP MAGIC FOR STROLLING & THE TABLE Memory AcesAbout ten cards are cut off the deck. The face card of the packet is shown and the packet is immediately tabled. This is done four times. The four packets have indifferent cards at their faces. When the packets are turned over, each ind
Out of stock. $25.00 $19.50
Double Decker by Doc Dixon - Trick "Double Decker is such a deal! Two great card routines for the price of one. Extra Extra is like Mother of All Deck Tests. A participant thinks of a word on a Guarantee card and you name it. It is so clean. As for Heart Transplant, its hard to think of any effect that gets so much out of one gaffed
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.60
Diary of Decision (With DVD) by Doc Dixon - DVD "For centuries we've said playing cards - even a single playing card - could reveal a person's innermost thoughts.Now you can prove it!" You explain to your participant that playing cards can actually reveal how a person feels about life's biggest metaphysical questions. You offer to prove it. She r
Out of stock. $40.00 $30.00
Dixon Drop by Doc Dixon - DVD What If... you could cleanly cut a deck into four random packets and the face card of each packet changes into an ace?What have a signed selection vanish from the deck then pick up the card box at the fingertips of an empty hand and simply shake out the signed selection?What could
Out of stock. $30.00 $23.40
In The Deck (Blue) by Doc Dixon - Trick IN THE DECK: A Signed Card To Impossible Location Where The Location Itself Is ImpossibleA card is signed and placed in the center of the deck. It repeatedly rises to the top of the deck. The performer explains the selection is now in the deck. Placing the deck on the spectator's hand, the top of th
Out of stock. $50.00 $37.50
In The Deck (Red) by Doc Dixon - Trick IN THE DECK: A Signed Card To Impossible Location Where The Location Itself Is ImpossibleA card is signed and placed in the center of the deck. It repeatedly rises to the top of the deck. The performer explains the selection is now in the deck. Placing the deck on the spectator's hand, the top of th
Out of stock. $50.00 $38.50
At the Table Live Lecture Doc Dixon - DVD Doc is a renaissance man. Cards, coins, and even paper balls, Doc Dixon is truly well-rounded in magic. He has numerous published works including his MonkeyShines series which is hilarious and full of amazing material including information on failure tricks and even his take on the Paper Balls over
Out of stock. $9.95 $7.76
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