TWINS by Nefesch (Instant Download) A physical way to prove that you have created a link between your spectator's mind and yours.
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MentalGram by Nefesch (Instant Download) 3 impromptu techniques to read minds and make predictions with your spectator's Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) on their own phone.
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Teleshock 2.0 by Nefesch (Instant Download) One of the most shocking impromptu psychokinesis effects you can perform!
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Musical Infuences by Nefesch and Titanas - Book This is a book that will teach you SEVERAL MENTALISM EFFECTS, all of them related with MUSIC. FROM THE INTRODUCTION: "Let me tell you a REAL story: I received a call from a producer who asked me to meet him for an interview to discuss the chance of me being the OPENER for a MUSIC concert tour that w
In stock. $55.00 $52.25
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Spot Prediction by Nefesch (Instant Download) The Easiest way to Predict a non-forced thought
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Latex By Nefesch (DVD) Slowly, and VISUALLY pull a SIGNED coin out of a balloon. Unreal. NOW SHIPPING. MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $25.00
LIFT By Nefesch (DVD) Perform endless Mentalism effects using ONE, single method! NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $25.00
Teleshock by Nefesch (Instant Download) Change the channel of your friend's Tv with the power of your mind totally IMPROMPTU!
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LINK by Nefesch (Instant Download) An astonishing tellepathy act between two random spectators.
In stock. $42.50
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Musical Influences by Nefesch (Instant Download) This book will teach you how to combine your mentalisms acts with MUSIC in order for you to prove that you can use musical NOTES or entire songs to suggest thoughts into your spectators mind.
In stock. $35.00
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Achromatic Prediction by Nefesch (Instant Download) Prediction, stunt, radio mentalism,
In stock. $12.00
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Disguised by Nefesch (Instant Download) Under test conditions, you demonstrate powerful psychic ability. Fool everyone -- including your magician friends. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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Right Now by Nefesch (Instant Download) right now, nefesch, mind reading, bubbles, card revelation, the pure thing, contact reading
In stock. $15.00
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Lost N Found by Nefesch (Instant Download) Make anything appear out of thin air, easy to do, fast set up, Lost N Found, Includes impromptu handling. Nefesch
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Crush by Nefesch (Instant Download) Visually Crush a Soda Can
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Blackout By Nefesch (Instant Download) The best Trick you can do over the phone.
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USERNAME By Nefesch (Instant Download) A mindreading effect through Instagram
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Lift by Nefesch (Instant Download) Imagine being able to perform endless Mentalism effects using ONE, single method!
In stock. $22.00
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Hatching by Nefesch - Trick Suppose you could take an egg (Which CAN be borrowed- though where the heck are you going to borrow an egg.) and a coin (which can be borrowed and more likely.) and have both of them marked by a spectator. You then cause the coin to magically penetrate INSIDE the egg. A small hole is chipped in the
Out of stock. $8.35 $6.51
S.O.S. (Self Opening Soda) by Nefesch - Trick SOS The Self Opening Soda Can- A Soda Can (Which can be borrowed) is caused to open with the performer's hands, a foot or more away from the can. Real can, real soda, really amazing! Can even be done while the can is held by a spectator. Several versions, PLUS a bonus effect of a self opening beer b
Out of stock. $25.00 $19.50
Frozen by Nefesch - Trick The performer walks up to a total stranger and asks them if they have a coin which the magician will use. Spectator initials or marks the coin. Spectator drops the coin in the performer's hand. The performer steps back a few feet, holds his hands at arms length and then blows toward his hand. Billow
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
The Magic Of Nefesch Vol. 1 (2 DVD Set) by Nefesch and Titanas - DVD A Unique Magic Collection and some amazing material previously unreleased until now...Once there was magic. Then Nefesch came. And REAL magic arrived. The hottest magic release of 2008 is finally available and the most astonishing secrets of Nefesch and Titanas two of the most innovative and creativ
Out of stock. $43.75 $34.13
The Magic Of Nefesch Vol. 2 (2 DVD Set) by Nefesch and Titanas - DVD A Unique Magic Collection and some amazing material previously unreleased until now...Once there was magic. Then Nefesch came. And REAL magic arrived. The hottest magic release of 2008 is finally available and the most astonishing secrets of Nefesch and Titanas two of the most innovative and creativ
Out of stock. $43.75 $34.13
TelekiNefesch by Nefesch - Book Imagine a book filled with HUNDREDS of pages talking about the method, script, psychology and thinking behind some amazing routines. A borrowed crushed water bottle which contains an unseen word that has been written by a spectator VISIBLY uncrushes itself, and the spectators breaths their thoughts
Out of stock. $85.00 $65.45
Hot & Cold (Heads Or Tails Control Over Long Distance)by Nefesch - DVD New from one of the most influential magicians and mentalists of modern times, HOT & COLD is an invaluable technique that, once mastered, can be used to enhance any magic or mentalist routine and win any bet! Nefesch and Wizard FX Productions present HOT & COLD.HOT (Heads Or Tails)Step 1: As
Out of stock. $39.00
Right Now by Nefesch and Titanas - Book RIGHT NOW is the name of my new manuscript, and includes three MENTALISM effects, that you can do any time anywhere to convince people that you CAN REALLY READ THEIR MINDS, this are effects that you can peform anytime someone asks you: "READ MY MIND RIGHT NOW"(which I don't know about you, but to me
Out of stock. $20.00 $16.00
Light and Easy by Nefesch and Titanas - Book In This Manuscript You will learn two effects, one of them is my CAN effect in which I make a volunteer looses its weight, they can feel it, they can feel themselves becoming lighter and lighter till they weight less than a feather, you can prove to the audience that your spectator has indeed looses
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
PRR 2.0 by Nefesch and Titanas - Book In 2008 Nefesch released a 3 set DVD. One of the best received effects in the set had the title P.R.R. (Palm reading revelation) 3 years later, Nefesch has outdone him self and now is releasing P.R.R2 So what is P.R.R2? Imagine this: Under test conditions you ask your spectator to simply THINK of a
Out of stock. $22.00 $16.50
TeleShock by Nefesch and Titanas - Book Let's say you are visiting the home of friends or relatives. You tell them that you would like to demonstrate a powerful telekinesis skill that you have been developing, you then go on to perform Teleshock! You begin by asking the home owner to turn on their television, and tune to any random channe
In stock. $25.00 $23.75
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Hug by Nefesch - DVD HUG by Nefesch HUG is the new "Thumbs up, Go like this" opener taken to a whole new level of visual madness. "HUG is a DVD with a collection of 6 effects. 5 of these effects are new, fresh and astonishing body illusions that you can perform anytime anywhere. In February 2008 I decided to perform HUG
Out of stock. $45.00 $35.10
Elements of Mentalism Vol 1 (Water) by Nefesch - DVD Water is the first in a series of 4 new DVDs where Nefesch will show some of his professional mentalism routines that he performs using the 4 elements of nature (Water, Fire, Earth, and Air)Routines Included in WATER:Water Mark:You predict the amount of water spectator would pour in a glass.Water Sp
In stock. $9.50
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Light and Easy by Nefesch eBook DOWNLOAD In This Manuscript You will learn two effects, one of them is my CAN effect in which I make a volunteer looses its weight, they can feel it, they can feel themselves becoming lighter and lighter till they weight less than a feather, you can prove to the audience that your spectator has indeed looses
In stock. $9.95
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Musical Infuences by Nefesch eBook DOWNLOAD This is a book that will teach you SEVERAL MENTALISM EFFECTS, all of them related with MUSIC. FROM THE INTRODUCTION: "Let me tell you a REAL story: I received a call from a producer who asked me to meet him for an interview to discuss the chance of me being the OPENER for a MUSIC concert tour that w
In stock. $34.95
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PRR 2.0 by Nefesch eBook DOWNLOAD In 2008 Nefesch released a 3 set DVD. One of the best received effects in the set had the title P.R.R. (Palm reading revelation) 3 years later, Nefesch has outdone him self and now is releasing P.R.R2 So what is P.R.R2? Imagine this: Under test conditions you ask your spectator to simply THINK of a
In stock. $17.95
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Sweet Card by Nefesch eBook DOWNLOAD A sweet revelation of a selected card. The Magician offers a beverage to the spectator. The spectator selects a card and the magician explains to him that he found out that cold beverages are much better if you apply some sugar in it. The reaction of the sugar causes the sugar to form the shape of t
In stock. $5.00
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Blackout by Nefesch - DVD Blackout, is a technique that will allow you to make any revelation through a spectator's phone, the revelation is made by any friend from the spectator that he chooses to call, the spectator's friend can be miles away, you have never met any of them and yet the revelation is accurate. The descripti
Out of stock. $16.95 $12.71
Social Mind by Nefesch - DVD You can perform SocialMind with: FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, ETC.Social-Mind a.k.a. MentalGram is a collection of 3 different techniques that will allow you to perform mentalism effects using your spectator's social media on their own phone.The techniques are totally impromptu, absolutely practica
Out of stock. $19.95 $15.96
Opus (Mona Lisa) by Nefesch - Trick The value of a coincidence depends on its degree of improbability!A demonstration of intuition and impossible coincidences.OPUS is a straight forward close up effect, where you will give to your spectator a visual proof of an impossible coincidence.Four black backed cards are introduced, these cards
Out of stock. $24.95
Opus (Vitruvian Man) by Nefesch - Trick The value of a coincidence depends on its degree of improbability!A demonstration of intuition and impossible coincidences.OPUS is a straight forward close up effect, where you will give to your spectator a visual proof of an impossible coincidence.Four black backed cards are introduced, these cards
Out of stock. $24.95
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