I own 3 different sets of SC shells. Do to the lose of 1 of my street shells I ordered a replacement
set. I was shocked at the poor quality of the new set! The shells had jagged edges from air bubbles
in the mold making process. Even at a glance you could see the quality difference of the old and new
sets. I spent an hour sanding down the edges of the new set just to make them usable.
truly hate giving this review The School for Scoundrels products have always Brought me smiles and
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These plastic replicas of walnut shells are perfect for doing a 3-shell game demo. They are
lightweight, apparently indestructible, and after some preparation (sanding), they glide smoothly
over any surface. And they handle a soft pea beautifully. I painted mine brown to make them look
more realistic, and also to make them easier to grip. Out of the box they are a bit slippery.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
I learned the shell game from the creator of these shells and just had to get a set of my own. These
are the best shells around and the included Perfect Peas are all you will ever need. I even got
another set of Perfect Peas since I know I'll eventually lose them all from all the use!
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
I really like the shells handling but the color of these don't match an old set I purchased from Pop
Hayden 2 years ago. They are much darker.
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These are good shells and should last a long time. My only complaint is that since they are resin
cast and not touched up after casting, these are a uniform color throughout, and look very fake.
This can be remedied by painting a darker brown into the cracks and crevices and then wiping it off.
The underside has a similar problem, but no crevices to accent, so you need to paint the undersides
of these shells to resemble the insides of real shells. It's a bit of a pain to do, but worth the
effort in my opinion.
In any event, just don't expect these to look like real walnut shells
in color and patina. They look plastic. If that's OK with you, they are well worth the money.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
The shells feel and handle good. They look perfect
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
i have been doing the shell game for 12 years now and is my most requested trick. out of all the
shells i have used these are my favorite and will last you a life time. this is my second set only
because i lost my first set in the move down here. i would recomend that if you want to learn to be
a pro get the scoundrels touch volume 2 dvd. if your a beginner i recomend sal piacente's street
i highly recomend this set
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
The first set I purchased has 2 shells that were practically identical and the 3rd shell was
different in shape and color, so I returned the set and ordered a replacement.
replacement set is similar but better. At least they're all the same color this time but one shell
is much smaller than the other 2. Maybe it's intentional because you can feel by hand it's smaller,
but this is never mentioned anywhere.
The shells work (nice Chanin tilt) and the peas are
These shells are the best! They look awesome, feel great, move great. I love the teachings and
advise that Pop gives in this ! very expertly done and are in my performances !
The shells are easy to work with. A bit smaller than I expected but work much better than the Vernet
shells. Easy to move around on different surfaces.