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Groove Electric 2.0 by Doc Docherty (Instant Download)

An unbelievable card switch for pros with a TON of uses. Putting in the time to learn this will leave you with a bullet-proof weapon that leaves spectators rubbing their eyes.
Price: $9.95
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"I watched the video half a dozen times and I still did not have a clue. I was totally fooled." - Allan Ackerman

"Groove Electric combines a clean mechanical action with an optical swindle, and the result is something beautiful to behold" - David Regal

"Groove Electric is even more devious that changing the name of liver to "foie." I was fooled by both the first time." - Steve Beam

Is it a switch? Is it a control? Is it a force? Is it a color change? It’s the Groove Electric 2.0. Doc Docherty shares all the work on this astonishing move that he has developed and turned into some powerhouse magic. Originally released almost a decade ago, Doc has been refining and finding new uses and subtleties that he is finally making available to the magic community. If you already know the Groove Electric this project will up your game and give you some new riffs to add to your repertoire.

Doc also teaches The Bonso Transpo. Using the Groove Electric doc vanishes a signed playing card from one packet of cards and makes it appear sandwiched between two queens that are in another packet across the table. This crazy direct teleportation of a card is jaw dropping.

As a bonus you also get Doc’s Groove Electric Collectors. Three cards are inserted into different areas of the deck and are then appear interlaced between the four kings that have been nowhere near the pack. Plus, Doc teaches The Zoso change as an additional treat. This very simple move is extremely visual and looks as good in real life as it does on camera. Groove Electric 2.0 is an in depth tutorial that teaches multiple sleights and two full routines and a must have for anyone serious about their card magic.

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groove electric 2.0 Would one be well advised to own both the original...
groove electric 2.0 Can this be done with a borrowed deck and examined...
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Groove Electric by Doc Docherty Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 9th, 2019
These are just a few works to describe this amazing move, sleight, control, switch whatever you would like to call it. If magic was real (ha, ha) this is would it would look like. Doc does an amazing job of running through and teaching you everything you need to know to do this using great video angles and close-ups so you don’t miss anything. If you are experienced in working with cards you will appreciate what goes into this and how powerful it is. It will take some time and effort to perfect this but well worth it. If you are a novice or just starting in cards, what a great thing to learn and from an incredible teacher. If you put in the time you will be greatly rewarded.

This 28 minute tutorial is very thorough and will cover many aspects of card maneuvers you will learn and use in other effects including fanning, palming and forcing just to name a few. Doc even devotes a section to troubleshooting something you rarely see in a tutorial. You will learn some bonus handlings, just chock full of information. This is one of the most complete and comprehensive purchases you will make with so much in it … there is even a bonus trick. The whole tutorial is very slick and and you will love it, consider it an investment.
7 of 7 magicians found this helpful.
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Good but tough (for me) Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on November 11th, 2019
First off – I LOVE the possibilities that go with learning this move. I had a routine worked up as soon as I saw the trailer/ad – whatever it’s called.

The teaching is pretty good. Some is hard to see/grasp. I’m guessing that’s because it happens in the hands, with a pretty firm grip, so is hard to shoot. He steps you through most phases pretty well. It would’ve been nice if he would’ve explained, “I’m going to run through it all at full speed and then come back step by step.” It seemed like he just started running through the explanation – and it was WAY too fast for me to keep up. But he did come back and run through it much slower – so was understandable.

That said – understanding and doing are 2 very different things. While I understand most of the moves, I cannot repeat/recreate all of the moves needed to pull this off. I’m not a card genius, but I’m not bad and I found this to be very difficult. It’s not something you’re going to download today and put in your show tonite. If you are patient, I can see this working for you, but be prepared for some early frustration. I am going to put it on the shelf and try it again in a few months.

One thing that is lacking, he explains how to set up the move, but doesn’t explain his rationale for doing so. While I don’t want to be a copy-cat, it would be nice to know his technique, since the first step of the set-up is a little unnatural (at least for me, it would be). Does he do the set up at the table in front of his audience? If so, what is the reasoning for the set up? A pointer/suggestion on this one would’ve been nice.

So – to sum up – it’s good with great potential, but I can’t do it . . . yet.
6 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
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Great Switch Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 9th, 2019
The problem with most switches of cards is that the must have a table. This switch can be done without one. A second problem is that the switch is done at the moment spectators are looking for it. This switch overcomes that problem.
This is not to say that the move is "automatic," it will take some work, but doesn't most good magic? As Vernon suggests, "if you don't like practice, magic is not a hobby for you." It's not terribly difficult, but it will take some practice and the practice is well worth it. The miracles are there for those who are willing to think and practice.
I highly recommend this both as a piece to practice (lets face it, some of us are move monkeys), but also for the value of the move in walk-around and other close-up situations. If you are a worker, you will not be disappointed!
5 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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Forget Your Grandma's Card Switches! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 9th, 2019
Your spectators can stare and burn your hands and they will NOT see you switch their card out! WOW!

I admit I purchased and tried the original version of this switch elsewhere years ago. I couldn't get the move down to make it work for me. Now? The move's instructions in this Penguin video are chock full of details, fine points, and multiple camera shots that it's easy to make this your own.

If you can make a decent finger or thumb fan you can do this.

There are SO many uses for this move imperceptible move you'll want to get your fans down. You are taught switches, both for single and multiple cards, palms, side steals, even bonus color changes and more!

Get this. Highly Recommended!
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
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Sleightly AWESOME! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 15th, 2019
I'm so excited to write this review! I just watched Groove Electric 2.0 and what a great purchase this is! This is not just a trick, but a set of utility moves that you will use, if you like sleight of hand. If you don't like sleight of hand, move along... there's nothing to see here.

Let's just get right into this review, because I want to hurry and go practice this write away.

1. Is this trick everything it seems from the demo? YES - It's everything and then some! I wondered if there was some creative editing, but there isn't. This is really a clean trick once you've practiced it. Just watch your angles.

2. Any gimmicks or arts & crafts? NO - none at all. This is something you can perform truly impromptu and with any deck. There is no prep, no work, nothing to buy, nothing to clean up.

2. Is this tricky? Hard? Do I have to practice alot? YES, KINDA, YES - this is pure sleight of hand. What you're learning is a couple of utility moves that will enable you to do magic pretty much on demand. The move appears to be a difficult one for anyone less than an intermediate magician. It's definitely NOT impossible or a finger twister. You don't have to be a contortionist or do anything crazy. I suppose the actual move is, when you think about it, not extremely hard in itself. However, the flow of the moves is knacky... so you will want to practice this many times in front of a mirror until it feels natural. I haven't tried this yet, but I'd imagine it will take some effort to make sure I don't slip up. But I will say this... any effort you put into this trick will be a worthy investment. This will be something that you'll definitely want to practice and master.

4. Do I need big hands? NO - You just need to practice so the movements will seem natural and unsuspicious.

5. How is this trick priced? In my opinion, this trick is UNDERPRICED! I would have been happy paying $14.95 or even $19.95 for this. You don't just get a trick... you get a series of utility moves YOU WILL USE. Also, Doc generously gives some bonuses that are worth the same price alone, in my opinion.

6. How is the teaching? It's good. To be honest, he goes slightly fast... but it's ok. It's simply his natural manner... he goes over the trick many times from two angles (front and above), so it is very sufficient. Doc is very approachable and easy to listen to. It's obvious he knows his stuff.

7. Is this a keeper? ABSOLUTELY! You will definitely use these moves. I would get this trick again without hesitation if I had a chance to rethink my decision.

8. Is this trick for anyone? NO - If you like gimmicks or floating things, obviously this won't be your thing. If you are the type that likes true sleight of hand, this is a must. If you're a beginning, this may be difficult, but I still highly recommend it... It will push you to the next level. If you're an expert, I'd still say this is a move you may have not seen before (maybe, I dunno). If you are indeed an expert, your call on this. Perhaps you already can do everything he's doing your own way. I'm not an expert so I don't know how I'd feel about this. But personally, I LOVE Groove Electric 2.0.

Generally, I reserve 5-star ratings for crazy mind-melting tricks. This one isn't visual like that... however, it is such a great value and the moves are so valuable, I feel like I must give this the top rating. So an exceptional (literally) 5-star rating to Doc's Groove Electric 2.0!
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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Groove Electrick Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 14th, 2019
Too complicated for my taste. Much easier tricks out ther that produce the same or better audience response.
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Get your dexterity ready Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 9th, 2019
While I won't be using the routine "as-is" in the trailer, I have got to give 5 stars to the teaching and the thinking behind the moves used. This is some pretty amazing thinking.

I have fairly poor dexterity, so I'll only be using a few of the moves taught here, but they're great moves, so I'm quite happy with that.

I also have to add that the teaching is on point!

Very well done!!!
3 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
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Good Stuff, Intermediate-Advance Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on December 6th, 2019
Pros: Impromptu, Great switching method

Cons: Very move heavy, not for beginners

Overall, I recommend getting Groove Electric 2.0 if you are comfortable enough with your card magic in terms of moves. I think this is a very clean routine that will definitely fool your spectators.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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Uuuuuuber deceptive! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 10th, 2019
Yup, this is a phenomenal bit of card handling. It is not difficult, but it does take getting the feel and flow of this move. Best of all, it does stuff that just is impossible to backtrack. It is devastating!

Well taught and pretty clear and easy to learn from the download. A few times the camera is at completely the wrong vantage point or angle, but there are multiple teaching segments which get deeper and deeper into details. That makes it rather simple to follow along.

Last but not least, this is one of those moves which is tremendously fun and rewarding to practice.

Get it! You will be happy you did!
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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It’s good Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 9th, 2019
This so good.
Well done Doc!
This a brilliant utility move that has so many options
I’m not going to say much about it because is is brilliant.
It will take a bit of practice. I’m getting the hang of it but in a couple of weeks I’ll be good to go .
This video is very well explained and shot.
I highly recommend this.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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