I wish I would have listened to the other negative review before purchasing this. Another
misleading trailer where penguin edits it in such a way to make it look more magical than it really
is. Trailers should be uncut so we can see exactly what the spectator sees.
8 of 8 magicians found this helpful.
So the concept of the trick really Interested me. But after spending ten dollars for this method is
disappointing. It’s very easy and the reason I bought this trick was because I was fooled. But when
I saw the how it actually worked I realized I was fooled because they cut out the key moment when
the move happens. Over all it was a great trick and I will eventually use it at some point but, I
wish it was not 10$ for the most simple explanation ever. If you really want it then buy it but if
you are so so I don’t suggest it. I have no disrespect to Matt Mello. He has created many great
things in the past and hopefully in the future.
7 of 8 magicians found this helpful.
What can i say? After downloading i sat and watch the explanationvideo with Nick. My smile only got
bigger and bigger when realizing the simplicity of it. This trick is going directly into my show, i
would say its would work both at stage and in the street. Its 10 dollar, its 4 rides in the subway,
i think this trick will take you longer than that.
5 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
Is it as good as the tailor? No... Is it still good? Yes... But there is a part not shown in Trailer
that would give it away. I understand why it wasn't.... Would l have bought this if I did see that
part? Probably so because in the right hands (or feet?) the misdirection required will still make
this a good trick. I just don't know if I'm there yet... Perhaps with practice.
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
Hey, I like the humor of the trick, almost a parody of the "something to 'impossible location.'"
But having a spectator pick up a card from under your shoe on the street -- and then
dumping a deck of cards from the shoe -- on the street-- it's a trick for the living room or party
room and even then for a group of friends. And clean shoes not well-worn sneakers.
years ago, I would have added: be ready for gasps and a rush for the plastic bottle of handwashing
In February 2022, you still might hear "yuck!" Or "ew!"
And I would agree.
I guess in 2022, I'd say pick the right time and place and audience.
I definitely wouldn't
have a spectator pick up cards from the street or bottom of my shoe.
5 of 8 magicians found this helpful.
Excellent effect! just what I've been looking for as an alternative to some shoe things I've done
before. although I definitely recommend using it as a closer to some other card effects instead of
just a 1 or 2 phase effect. While they dump out the cards, the misdirection is perfect for loading
something else into the shoe, but like I said, I'd rather close with this and move on to a different
prop, like coins, etc. Also, you could possibly use this as a heckler killer. do an omni deck
routine and just be ready for when someone says "where the cards at, then?" In my shoe, bozo. Lol
I think this effect hits so hard because of the distance to the floor. To them, the card
under glass type effect is entertaining, but possible. This to them is just.. impossible. 5 stars.
Teaching is great like always with Nick. Met him a few times in person and as you would
hope, just very down to earth and easy to get along with and it comes through in his teaching on
these vids.
One complaint... please raise the price to 50 bucks so there's less people
performing this gem. Lol
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
Excellent effect matt and thanks for the great explanation nick.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
quality trick. deceptively simple, very little sleight involved. powerful effect.
used it as an ending for my ACR. it KILLS.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
This is a routine YOU will perform.
I saw the performance & immediately worked out how I would
do it & I was correct after being in magic many, many years BUT the devil is in the details & it’s
the details that really make this a 100 percent WORKER of the highest order.
You have 3 massive
1- the SIGNED card appears under your shoe
2- the DECK vanishes & all you have left
is their signed card
3-the DECK is now in your shoe.
That’s 3 MEGA effects that are
easy for your audience to remember & easy for YOU to perform & get this THERE are no gimmicks
This is a beautifully routined masterpiece by Matt & Nick does a great job teaching it
Will use this a lot & so will you
Mike Donoghue
Pro. Magician
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
I've seen quite a few reviews saying it's frustrating that you don't get to see the whole trailer.
That complaint is so stupid! If a spectator were to describe this trick it would be the exact same
as the trailer looks! Maybe the trick doesn't work for you, and that's totally fine, but to dismiss
it just because it doesn't work like you wanted isn't a very good reason. Sorry, not trying to be
rude. At the end of the day if you bought this trick because you didn't know how it worked and they
show you how it works, isn't that enough! You didn't come up with the idea so it doesn't matter if
you thought the method would be different. ANYWAY, this is a great trick! It is pretty darn sneaky
and totally works in real life. You'll probably be kicking yourself at how easy it is! I will
definitely use it.
1 of 2 magicians found this helpful.