Hey, I like the humor of the trick, almost a parody of the "something to 'impossible location.'"
But having a spectator pick up a card from under your shoe on the street -- and then
dumping a deck of cards from the shoe -- on the street-- it's a trick for the living room or party
room and even then for a group of friends. And clean shoes not well-worn sneakers.
years ago, I would have added: be ready for gasps and a rush for the plastic bottle of handwashing
In February 2022, you still might hear "yuck!" Or "ew!"
And I would agree.
I guess in 2022, I'd say pick the right time and place and audience.
I definitely wouldn't
have a spectator pick up cards from the street or bottom of my shoe.
This reviewer I obviously is performing for rich men North of Richmond. May not be for the corporate elite, the Karen's out taking selfies or the type still outside wearing masks but there's definitely an audience that is with this and their more common than this review let's on.
I agree, when I saw bro go to give his shoe to the spectator, I cringed and winced. Watching that was like hearing nails on a chalk board. The trick is cool, but the execution is… well… dirty.
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