I want to preface this by saying that I wish Penguin would advertise each effect with the full
performance video that we can view once we purchase a trick, or at least give potential purchasers
the OPTION of watching the full performance before purchase. The advertisement videos are sometimes
heavily edited and often keep crucial information from the customers. I understand WHY they don't, I
think: I believe that in most cases, they think a moderately-skilled magician might be able to
figure out the method just by watching and rewatching the full performance.
If I'd seen the
full performance of Junky before buying it, I probably wouldn't have bought it. I wouldn't have
figured out the entire method, but I would have seen enough to know that this effect requires four
participating spectators. The advertisement video disguised this well.
I've been doing
magic for 50+ years, but am still very much an amateur, and I perform mostly for family, friends,
and students. It's rare for me to perform for more than 2 or 3 people at a time. So the "four
participant" aspect of this trick would have stopped me from purchasing it.
As for the
effect itself: it's a nice effect with a clever method. But Penguin, please: give us more
information about what we're purchasing before we purchase it! Trust us a little bit more.
30 of 30 magicians found this helpful.
When I saw the trailer video for the ad for this, I smacked myself in the head. Just from the
trailer, I saw a brilliant touch that Docc had added to this effect.
I like the idea, it is
so simple, but in over 40 years of working with this plot, I never thought of it, and I never read
of anyone else doing it; so I purchased it. I had noticed that one touch, there were bound to be
more. Docc is brilliant at finding these little things that make all the difference.
do you know, I was right. The effect has been routine to near perfection, the plot makes sense, it
is nearly self working, so you can concentrate on presenting it. The handling eliminates their
thinking of multiple cards and identifying a potential telltale in the method, poof, all gone.
There are no questions asked, which was the one part of the previous incarnations of the plot (even
John Mendoza’s, which I had been using since 1978) that I dreaded doing. And Docc even improved the
ending by allowing for different types of reveals.
In short, this is a streamlined, no
questions asked, and interesting version of a classic, with all weaknesses removed, made interesting
and relevant, and far from boring and drawn out. This is the cleanest version I’ve ever come
25 of 27 magicians found this helpful.
Well, I have to disagree but, this effect is no original to Docc Hilford. The original effect is
called MENTAL STUD, and was developed by Henry Christ (can be found in Annemann's Card Magic) which
sells for nothing, along with many MANY more effects.
The "only improvement" if it can be called
like that, would be that Hilford uses Poker Chips, while in the original, coins were used. I dont
see the improvement in that.
The coins play more organically and if you check the original
effect, they come "ready to use".
I don't see any reference to the originator of the effect.
But... yeap, nothing new here. A pretty old effect, quite good indeed, renamed and sold, but is
not from Hilford.
19 of 20 magicians found this helpful.
Looks like a good effect, but I perform only for friends and family and I'm not likely to have an
audience of four.. I'm trying to adapti it for two or three but no luck yet
5 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
First, this effect has been around for 60+ years (Bobo). I first saw Norm Schultz do this at the
Magic Castle in 1975. It's not Docc's effect originally though I am a big fan of his work, hence the
4 stars... though I do feel he made it a lot better. This has always killed and the chip addition is
brilliant. So secretly 5 stars but... :) There are other versions so you can use more or/less
people and/or cards but the handling/formula is different. I think this version is awesome and if
you don't know it, buy it.
5 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
I don't mind at all that people are using old methods and part of scripts and sell it as new. That
happens all the time. In all kind of fields. Bringing the old to light, for people who don't know
about it, is very valuable. The fact that you can buy this trick as a collection with others for a
fraction of the price is also relatively meaningless, because where is that book to be found? Would
I rather see it explained on video?
Still, knowledge about the origins, or maybe even the pretty
same trick, invented a long time ago, is very important, because ignorance is not bliss. So here you
have a name, do with it whatever you want: Henry Christ.
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
Just purchased Junky and have only viewed the video. From what I viewed, I can say that the effect
is excellently explained. Docc Hilford leaves nothing out. For the less experienced card worker, I
can tell you that you won't have any trouble with the only "move", which is of course, necessary. It
(the move) looks like normal card handling where it is applied. Everything else is basically self
working and you can concentrate on presentation. A great effect and definitely worth the asking
5 of 7 magicians found this helpful.
I like the method and I think it's a really good way to think of a thought of card. I do feel the
trick is too complex though. It's too much for people to take in, and they probably won't enjoy it.
You should still buy this for the method though because it's really cool.
5 of 7 magicians found this helpful.
Wow I can't believe how fantastic this trick is. I can't wait to get a chance to perform it. And
there is nothing deceptive at all with the demo video. It is a steal even at the full price!
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
You can really do this with a borrowed, shuffled, missing cards deck. It's strong with a very short
process involved and you can do that with multiple spectators. Thanks docc, I really love it.
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.