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How to Make a PK Sharpie by Black's Magic - DVD

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Psychokinesis is a term that was coined in 1914 by American author-publisher Henry Holt in his book On the Cosmic Relations and was adopted by his friend, American parapsychologist J. B. Rhine in 1934 in connection with experiments Rhine was conducting at Duke University. PK, as it is often abbreviated, is the purported ability to move or influence matter with the mind by means outside the known laws of physics. It is believed to be the most powerful of all of the psychic powers.

Nearly every magician or mentalist carries a Sharpie around with them so spectators and audience members can sign cards, billets, and other items during a presentation. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to have a spectator sign something, take the pen back from them, and create the illusion that you can move the pen with nothing more than concentrated effort? There's no more need for invisible thread and your hands stay in plain view the whole time!

HOW TO MAKE A PK SHARPIE is another hit in the Black's Magic DIY Magic Series of instructional DVDs designed to entertain, educate, and empower you. With a few inexpensive electronic components, some basic tools, and a willingness to learn, host James L. Clark will walk you right through the process to make your own incredible PK Sharpie. It's time to amaze people.

This is what real magic is supposed to look like!

Running Time Approximately 60min

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Contains no interesting information at all Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 2nd, 2010
This DVD does not contain any interesting information at all.
The described "PK Sharpie" is nothing more than a sharpie that just vibrates when you put a PK ring very close to it (about 1 inch maximum!). That doesn't look magic at all, and in my opinion, it very not usable during a close-up performance.

The final tip of the DVD is even dangerous in my opinion.
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
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