Every once in a while, I treat myself to a magic trick that is simply FUN. The effect is fantastic.
A card miraculously appears and then disappears OR transforms into a different card that is
completely examinable. Is the frame itself examinable? Nope. Will spectators want to handle it?
I just laugh and put it away and then proceed to blow their mind with a trick like C3
or AK-47. They don't ask about the card frame after that, but the fun moment remains.
I have
wanted this trick for years but could never justify purchasing it because it wasn't examinable.
Eventually, I gave in and got it. Have never regretted it.
Love, love, love this effect.
It's a moment of sheer wonderment, reminding me of why I got into magic in the first place.
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This is basically the same effect as Tenyo's 'Fantastica'. By dumping the card out of the frame it
visually changes into another card. The illusion is startling. The modus operandi is different as is
the prop itself. I personally like Astor's version better than Tenyo's because, even though both
have 'magic prop' written all over them, with Astor's version the card isn't fully enclosed in the
frame, it looks more like a small tray the card is resting on, with a middle bar to keep it from
falling out. The action is flawless. For the price, you can't go wrong with this cool little prop.
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