This is a great affect; however, I am rating it 3 stars for the quality. This looks like a Tenyo
version of The Spellbinding Boxes. It is made of cheap plastic and at a professional show, it does
look strange having an ugly lump of plastic on your key chain.
The original Spellbinding
Boxes is currently available at a significantly lower price and is made of 24k gold plated brass.
This looks a lot more impressive and significantly nicer to pull out during a professional show.
The Vault is a complete copy of Spellbinding Boxes except that it is on you keyring rather
than just a box you pull out of your pocket. This addition does make it stronger as you can show
your keys have been on the table throughout. However, that if fine in a performance to your friends.
But at a professional show, who suddenly takes their keys out of their pocket and plonks them on the
table? Not very professional either!
Overall, disappointing. They should have spent more
time making this a higher quality prop rather than cheap with burrs on the side of each container.
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
This is for the owners of the vault who are experiencing a noise problem while inserting their
object in the vault .
An alternative method is instead of using a signed coin or their
U can use their
folded signed bill ,,, or
tear a piece of their signed bill ,,
tear a piece of their signed card or
Tear a piece of any paper and get it signed and
fold it......
THEN VANISH IT, AND PRODUCE IT FROM THE VAULT,,,,, I hope it helps..........
Also I got rid of the little fumbling with practise so that's not an issue.....
As I also own 'psypher'.............. I ask them to think of a
name .... Write it and then fold the paper.... I take the paper and I pretend to hold it in my
fist closed ...... Now no matter wat happens I ask them to look in my eyes all he time so that I
cud read their mind........
Now there's alot of time for me to insert their paper in the
vault..... They still think I have it in my fist closed in front of their eyes....
when I reveal the thought they're completely mad......
Now comes the part.......
ask them to check my fist which has been closed the entire time.... I open my hand and their papers
Now I point to the vault.... And viola!!! An effect on top of another
I hope u guys find it useful
4 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
I am not happy with my purchase. First, there is a lot of fumbling around in your pocket to make
this work. Second there is a serious noise problem when performing in a quiet condition. Third, I
practiced the secret move with the keys and 8 out of 10 times it didn't go as planned.
can do the EXACT same thing with Deluxe nest of wallets, and that effect is ten times easier.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
Just like David's other releases, this is made for the real world worker! What sets it apart from
other 'ring flight' effects, is you show where the ring/coin will end up at the very beginning of
the effect. You even leave it in plain sight for the spectator to see at all times!
What makes
this such a great effect is how David has taken an old magic prop and made it more natural and
impossible. The re-set time is also quicker than I expected as you are 're-setting' while
performing! The teaching and performing from David and Wayne Fox is also just brilliant and
enjoyable to watch.
Now, I do own a ring flight revolution, and I love it! This have got me
questioning which one I want to perform when going to gigs. I will probably end up switching between
them both as they are both fantastic! But if you don't yet do a ring flight routine, I would
recommend getting the vault just because the price is sooo good for the effect and props included!
Overall I have no negatives to say, they have clearly worked on another fantastic product. Well
done David and world magic shop! 10/10
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
Believe any review that says these look like they're cheaply made because mine sure does. For fear
of revealing the secret, I can't easily give specifics here but this is a barely improved trick from
my childhood with about the same cheap quality as back then.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
When I completely checked the gimmick before seeing the DVD ,,,
Still I wasn't able to figure
out the method!!
The effect is really great ,,, only part that's worth little practise is
when u do the secret move in front of every body..... But the part when the coin goes in is easy
...... Very little misdirection is required ....
And any vanish can b used .!
1 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
David Penn has come up with another beautiful effect! The props are of the highest quality and
precision. The Vault takes the time tested Nest of Boxes plot to an amazing higher level. The DVD
features David Penn and Wayne Fox performing and explaining everything in straight forward concise
detail. While you can use any coin vanish you wish, the flash paper coin fold adds drama and
showmanship. It really gets a gasp from your audience. This effect looks truly impossible to
spectators. It's a total mind blowing experience for them. If you are looking for a worker that you
will always carry on your keyring...this is it! Setup is simple and Wayne Fox shows you how he
resets right in front of spectators. The Vault is a winner!
1 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
This is a pretty clever combo of Nest of Boxes and Ring Flight that is well thought out. I really
like the flash paper vanish of the coin as it both leads the spectator to believe that the coin is
still folded up in the paper and creates a very visual bridge to the keys laying on the table. It
also gives you a great reason to reach into your pocket when you get the lighter. The sleights
aren't difficult but the timing of the misdirection is key to making this work and takes a bit of
My order arrived today. For those who know the nest of boxes trick, it's exactly what you are
thinking except with a pretty cool twist. Those that haven't done a nest type effect should
definitely get this. People will be amazed and will be talking about you for a while. DVD is
thorough and covers all the fine points. Also, the full performances are added to DVD by Done by
Wayne. David Penn is also in the DVD if you're wondering, after all it's his magic. I recommend
purchasing a little something extra to make the coin disappear in a flash. Don't wait add to cart
0 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
Ok quality product....But very bad handling.I kinda like the method,but still it is not very good.
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