Let me start by saying that I'm a giant. I'm 6' 7'' and weight around 400lbs. My hands are so big
that I comfortably classic palm Morgan dollars and Silver Eagle coins. Most Thumb tips are far too
tight so I tried this one and it floats on me. I could put two thumbs in this thing. It's unusabale
for me.I gave it a good rating because the quality is very good and if you have a freakishly
oversized hand this would be ideal for you. If you think you want a slightly bigger thumb tip this
probably won't be right for you.
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The material is hard and I had no room left when my thumb was inside, but I do have big hands.
Perhaps a softer material would have been better
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Hi! This is your official PenguinMagic reviewer, B_Magic.
A good thumbtip is always
something good to have on you, and so I always recommend one. That said, it's not something that I
perform with very often, in fact, I'd say these days I rarely perform with a tip. But it is a
versatile tool that can be used in countless effects, and perhaps a tool I'll use more regularly for
an effect I don't do yet. I will never get rid of my thumbtips for this reason, and will always
recommend any magician to have one, at least stored away somewhere, for use sometime.
There really is a lot of miracle-status things you can do with a thumbtip. If you don't already
have one, cough up the dough and get one today.
0 of 2 magicians found this helpful.