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Split Die Box by Mr. Magic

List price:$45.00
Price: $36.90
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The performer introduces an empty hat and a solid die. He places the die into the inverted hat. The performer then displays an empty double compartment box, with cut out windows on front with loose sliding shutters and hinged doors at top (actually there are two boxes side by side on a common base). The die is taken from the hat and placed in one of the boxes and the doors are closed. The audience is asked to remember where the die is. The set of boxes is tilted, and the front and top doors to that box are opened. The die is seen to have vanished. The audience is not impressed, because they have heard the die slide to the opposite box. They ask the magician to open the doors to the other box. The magician closes the door to the first box then tilts the box (the audience can hear the die sliding over), then opens the doors to the adjacent box to show that it is empty.

This business of sliding die from one compartment to the other is repeated, till the audience is howling for all the doors of both boxes to be opened. The Performer then takes one closed box from the base and places at a distance. Shows that the die is in that box by opening the front door. He makes a throwing motion and instantly shows that the die has vanished. He opens the other box and the die is there.

He repeats the move for a few times. Finally, the Magician opens all doors of both boxes, and proves the die has in fact vanished. The solid die is found in the hat.

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Who makes it counts. Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 27th, 2020
(This review is for Split Die Box by Mr. Magic)
Not sure who makes this item. I had to return my item due to the paint was bubbles as if they painted over a badly prepared surface. This goes back to where and who makes things. Penguin Magic was great about me returning the item. The post office was not very clear on levels of shipping things and postage was extremely costly. Likely my fault for not understanding. Penguin Magic refunded everything. Customer Service is well worth making Penguin my first choice!
Had the paint not been a problem, this item for the price still would be a good purchase. I will ask Penguin Magic in comments section to inspect contents before shipping. The item was boxed by the maker so no one knew it was an issue.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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Exceeded my expectations in every way! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 15th, 2023
(This review is for Split Die Box by Mr. Magic)
Over the years, my room looks like a magic shop and still, this product's quality and performance along with Penguin Magic's performance went beyond my imagination! I could not believe the quality and price of this box and watching a video of Penguin Magic waving a thank you sign, with my name and packing it for shipping was just so magical and appreciated! Someone had the ingenuity to find such a creative way to show their appreciation and value of their customers of which i became a loyal one because of it. Amazing and thank you to one and all at Penguin!
Mahalo and Aloha from Hawaii!
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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