I love it; I have used this harness for the last 7-8 years performing in Adelaide and in different
states around Australia and never had a problem with it, its looking a bit tattery now but as the
harness is invisible it does matter what it looks like you never really see it. I am now coming to
the East coast of the U.S to use it to perform Dove illusions here and hope to source some doves to
continue to use the harness here.
It probably seems expensive for what it is but you are kind
of paying partly for the design into making it. It has always served me well. It has let go on the
velcro(if I can mention that Penguin) on the odd occasion but I discovered it was my fault in not
adjusting it tight enough on the dove. Some times if the dove is a little on the large size you have
to make sure he's hooked in tight enough.
Thanks Andy! love your products
Quite pricy for what it is. You don't even get a loop for the harness even after Andy have said in
he's turtorias that he includes it. Even so I would recomend an other harness. I don't think this
one is good for the dove.
Even at the PM rate the product really isn't worth the value, at the rate sold, it should at least
come with a small spool of wire