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Eugene Burger Greater Magic- #4, DVD

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Price: $29.95

"My aim was to make the kind of video that I personally would like to own." - Eugene Burger

You'll be baffled as never before by this professional and his special collection of wonderworks. Eugene Burger intertwines dramatic storytelling and penetrating magic to delight layperson and magic devotees alike. His unique repertoire will charm your intellect, imagination, and emotions. As a skilled a teacher as performer, Eugene guides you through his routines with uncompromising clarity.

Seven Creations From Magic's Mystic Guru:

  • Diamond Jack
  • Gypsy Thread
  • Card Sleight
  • Sponge Ball Routine
  • Dracula and the Sorority Girl
  • Cocaine Cigarette
  • Coins Through Table

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Gypsy Thread - "Real Work" Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 4th, 2016
I am writing this with regard to only one effect on this DVD, and that is the "Gypsy Thread".

The "Gypsy Thread" was my main reason for buying this. (I actually have the old VHS tape.)

Mr. Burger, as you probably know, is a world-class performer. He is also a brilliant teacher.

If you want the clear, no-nonsense "real work" on the "Gypsy Thread", this is the DVD to buy - no question about it.

Cam Dix
Etobicoke, (Toronto), Ontario, Canada
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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