Very pleased. To get a cleaner, sharper image, I took a 3x5 top spiral pad and I completely
“unspiraled” it, releasing the sheets and covers. Then, using the back cover as a guide, and using
a handheld 1/8” hole punch (purchased on Amazon for under $10), I punched the wire holes and then
reassembled the pad using the 3x5 Psypher as the new back cover. Having eliminated the old
cardboard back cover, I have greatly reduced the interference between the magnetic pen and the
Psypher material (as described in the DVD), and my images are more reliable. Also, I have done this
twice so far, once with the smooth face out and once with the rough face out. Both work well.
Rough side looks more like innocent cardboard, but there is an odd mottling from the iron filings
that makes it look beat up. Try it both ways and choose for yourself.