So I am in magic for years
And like all the Others buyers who buy retrieve
I can’t
deny it is my worst buy for years
2 hrs to construct a gimmick which doesn’t work and
don’t lock
Then the guy who explains first it is a nightmare
to understand what
he said and he is repeating
the only few words he knows
So it is a pain to hear ... at
least let the subtitles
speak for you or an English translator please
Then during the
explanation he forgot most of the
most important part to construct the gimmick
And to make
it clear to see and understand where
to put the gimmick Inside the box
There is Only one
picture to explain but it is not clear
And there is no instruction to make the
locking system functional
So you need to search by yourself
The props provided are
not the same color as the
box so you can see even in video the gimmick
In real life
it is impossible to show to anyone
Please please please
How is it possible to
release that without thinking
about us the customers
Smagic .... please think about
it twice
But anyway you will still continue to sell
bad stuff to disgust us from your
This one is the worst ...