I have been making these for years myself so I wanted to really give these some time before
_Excellent price over what has previously been available.
quality and strength.
_The BIGGEST value is in the Tutorial. They give you so much information
from usage, lighting, and backgrounds, to even manicuring your nails to prevent snagging. Some of
these are things that took me quite some time to figure out, so I was extremely impressed with the
value you get from these instructions. That alone is worth the price of the 10-Pack…maybe more in
bands that you will keep from breaking if you follow their recommendations.
biggest negative is that these are too visible for my taste. I know that you often lose some level
of strength when you go with less visible versions, but there are some REALLY STRONG elastic threads
out there that can accomplish all of the same effects without compromising visibility. I have darker
skin, and these REALLY stand out on me. The ones that I make are so invisible that I lose them on my
hand at times and care barely see it at all when it’s on my wrist. This is HUGE for me. I've
actually had a spectator ask to see my hands after an effect and stared right at it but couldn't see
a thing.
_The only other minor negative is that I wish they would have provided a better way to
get into the “Get Ready” position. There are ways that are much more camouflaged that I would have
liked to have seen them teach, especially considering the time they put into the other nuances. At
one point they even recommend just flat out grabbing it with your fingers.
Overall though,
this is a tremendous value and a great leap forward in lowering the cost of an amazing tool that
will get you great reactions if used properly…especially given the excellent Tutorial. Best advice
they give is “Less Is More”. Heed those words and you will create miracles! Unless you’re
performing for children, it’s best to do something small and quick (but incredible) and keep it