This was a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE DVD. Not only was it badly produced, but it also... WELL, just read
the rest of this review.
These guys just can't seem to learn that making introduction DVDs
is not for them. Not because they teach complicated stuff or do bad explanations, just because...
They don't understand the theory. Not only are these DVDs HORRIFYINGLY boring, but these DVDs are
also a horrible introductory course. All the effects are performed badly, and the explanations are
rushed through. Not to mention, THEY TALK TO YOU LIKE YOU ARE AN IDIOT. (Like I just did there. How
does it feel? Not good? Didn't think so.)
I can't recommend these as NO ONE should be
forced to sit through this; there are MUCH better DVDs (and books) that actually TEACH good, useful
information (and cost less!).
NOT recommended to my worst enemy.