I just received my Spider pen pro after 2 months of waiting a watching the trailer like a few times
a week.
Wow. it was worth the wait.
As said before it is very clever to watch
the DVD before you start playing with the pen. Then you have to try on your own how this incredible
tool works and how intuitive it is. You really don't need to worry about the pen and if it will work
at the right time, because it will. You just need to get confident and become familiar with the
working of it. then you can just perform incredible miracles.
the thread is very thin and
real invisible but at the same time it is quite strong so you don't need to be afraid of breaking
the thread, as long as you know how to work with IT.
My advice for newbies to IT: before
you start working with the Pen better to gain experience with just the IT. just to get familiar with
it. But at the same unless you put too heavy objects or get the IT caught somewhere there is not
much chances to breaking the IT.
Add to card if you wanna have a powerful tool in your
it is worth the money. May be they just could have throw in one extra spool and a
few waxes.