I was expecting something more than just your run of the mill sponge ball DVD, perhaps humorous
routines and instead it was more of a beginner overview of all the same sponge ball moves you
probably already have on another DVD. As far as the "earplug" idea, it is good, but you could make
your own from a sheet of yellow sponge material from your local craft store. In fact, the sponge
earplugs are the exact material of craft store sponge material. They are a bit more dense than
regular sponge balls which limits them a bit. Meaning, you can't squeeze quite as many ear plug
sponge balls into your hand as you could regular sponge balls. I don't see this as a problem, just
a minor limitation. However, I was very dissapointed in the DVD, and I could have made my own
earplug sponges for a fraction of the cost.
There are much better sponge ball DVDs, such as:
Sponge Balls (World's Greatest Magic) - DVD (My favorite)
Diminishing Sponge Ball (Ball and
DVD) by Ian Garrison - DVD (I really like this one too, as an add-on to WGM) SPONGE Starring Jay
Noblezada (DVD + 4 Red Sponge Balls) (This is a very good intro to sponge balls. It is my
understanding that Jay got his very first big restaurant gig by doing sponge balls)
for less than 8 bucks, I think Daryls sponge ball DVD is much better:
Essentials in Magic Sponge
Balls - DVD