I like Nathan and he is a funny guy. I get his humor but this was not good. One could say this was
an organic lecture (used strawberries and other food), but so is poop. This lecture was filled with
effects you might, and I mean might use one to fill a dead space so your other stuff would stand
out. Every trick was like this, most with no motivation or real routine that made sense. If he did
some visual magic with them, like Rocco for instance then the weird stuff could be cool, again sorry
for the big neg. It wasn't magical, more puzzling maybe. Many of these effects looked like he was
still working them out... no new anything except maybe changing food for coins? No sleights really
worked out on a few of them, it was embarrassing I thought. It looked like: "let me throw some stuff
together today for a lecture tonight." Sorry, I hated it.