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Pandora's Box by Jay Sankey - DVD The Effect Based on a Roy Walton idea, Jay has been exploring various gimmicks for years. These are the very best to date! Less than 5 minutes to install into ANY CARD CASE!And the case can STILL HOLD A FULL DECK OF CARDS! "Pandora's Box does so much with so little. I love it." -Gary B. "Like Jay
In stock. $20.00
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Paul Harris Presents PH Vanishing Deck Refill Pack - Trick Refill pack comes with six gimmicks for all sides of the deck:3 vertical3 horizontalNote: Instructions are not included
Out of stock. $14.99
Screwed Deck Paul Harris The magician "screws" two halves of a deck together like a pool cue, but's mis-matched!He gives it another twist and the deck becomes an ordinary, examinable pack of cards!Easy to Learn and Perform
Out of stock. $50.00 $37.50
Paul Harris Presents Justin Miller's Freedom Pack - Trick The most Freedom Inducing, Practical, Happy and Glad method for Magically Boxing your Deck! Justin Miller has created an astonishing in-your-face card case production that ALWAYS leaves you with a NORMAL ready-to-perform deck. One moment it's a normal spreadable deck...then in a blink, the deck is m
Out of stock. $19.95
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