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Pip Streak by Gregory Wilson (download + Equipment) Eye-popping, VISUAL Card Magic. Your deck comes to life and the pips start STREAKING across the cards from each and every corner. Doug Conn invented the concept. Gregory Wilson SIMPLIFIED it.
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Centrifugal by Magick Balay (DVD + Gimmicks) The ultimate master class on super powered levitation using an ITR.
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Paul Harris Presents Animate and Restore (DVD and Gimmick) by Jesse Feinberg The best animation style effect we've ever seen. Clever and jaw-dropping. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Paul Harris Presents UV Nightshades by Mark Allen and Paul Harris - Trick EffectYou borrow a dollar and draw a tiny pair of ink sunglasses over George's eyes. You cleanly showed both hands to be absolutely empty, then hold the bill by its extreme edge. There's a moment of silence...then suddenly the shades come to life! The drawing of the glasses VISIBLY leap off George's
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Paul Harris Presents Wings (RED)(DVD and Gimmick) by Matthew Mello You show the two little angels printed on the back of your playing card. Separated from each other for almost forever..each angel at opposite ends of the card.. trapped in their dried ink loneliness. But then, a kindly spectator blows them a kiss. There's a moment of stillness...then the angel start
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