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Art Of Astonishment by Paul Harris - DVD Paul Harris is perhaps the single most creative force magic has ever had to offer. Known for his offbeat effects, natural presentation, and deceptive methods, Paul has been on the cutting edge of close-up magic for over two decades. On this DVD you will be treated to nine astonishing "pieces of stra
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A Different Side of Me by Joshua Jay (6 Instant Downloads) Six fresh and original tricks from the mind of Joshua Jay! Highly commercial and fun to perform. Features Joshua Jay's s workhorse card routine + Cornered, an ingenious new concept in money magic!
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Juan Hundred Dollar Bill Switch by Doug McKenzie (DVD) Destined to become the new standard in bill switches...
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TA: True Astonishment by Paul Harris (Box Set) (9 DVDs + Props) The best DVD set of the last 5 years just got EVEN BETTER. From the most influential man in modern closeup magic, Paul Harris. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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First Hand by Justin Miller and Paul Harris (DVD + Gimmick) An instant bill change that happens IN YOUR SPECTATORS' HANDS. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Paul Harris Presents UV Nightshades by Mark Allen and Paul Harris - Trick EffectYou borrow a dollar and draw a tiny pair of ink sunglasses over George's eyes. You cleanly showed both hands to be absolutely empty, then hold the bill by its extreme edge. There's a moment of silence...then suddenly the shades come to life! The drawing of the glasses VISIBLY leap off George's
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