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Juan Hundred Dollar Bill Switch by Doug McKenzie (DVD) Destined to become the new standard in bill switches...
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Ladybug by Paul Harris The Creation of Life on the Tip of Your Finger!
Out of stock. $99.00
Hand Out 500 by Steve Haynes (DVD + Gimmick) Change five ONE dollar bills to five ONE HUNDRED dollar bills and then HAND IT OUT. The ULTIMATE in bill changes.
Out of stock. $34.95
First Hand by Justin Miller and Paul Harris (DVD + Gimmick) An instant bill change that happens IN YOUR SPECTATORS' HANDS. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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ENVY-LOPE (RED) by Brandon David & Chris Turchi (Gimmick) A full deck VISUALLY MORPHS into an envelope containing THEIR signed card! VERY LIMITED SUPPLY JUST ARRIVED. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $39.95
ENVY-LOPE (BLUE) by Brandon David & Chris Turchi (Gimmick) A full deck VISUALLY MORPHS into an envelope containing THEIR signed card! VERY LIMITED SUPPLY JUST ARRIVED. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $39.95
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