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Club Sandwich by Andrew Normansell and JB Magic - DVD One of JB Magic's best selling effects now comes with a step by step instructional dvd EffectA regular deck of cards are shown and shuffled, two cards are selected one is signed. Both cards are replaced into the deck. Two jokers are flipped face down onto the top of the deck. Without any moves the t
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Ink by Mickael Chatelain (DVD + Gimmick) Drawings on your card box VISUALLY morph. Shocking and surreal. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Ultimate Self Working Card Tricks Volume 1 (DVD) Now if you're anything like us, you have some DVDs or books on this topic already. And you took them home and excitedly delved into the material only to find it was jam packed with horrendous mathematical procedure and tricks so well known that your Granny learnt them off the back of a box of cereal
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Birthday Card by Wayne Dobson - DVD If you love card at any number then look no further, Wayne has come up with the most commercial version we have ever seen. An incredible card at ANY number using ANY DECK AND ANYONE'S BIRTHDAY. A brilliant comedy card at any number, with a mind blowing climax. Yes, the rumours are true, the spectato
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