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TIES: The Invisible Elastic System (10-Pack) Levitate objects with confidence, this is the secret weapon pros use. Includes 10 TIES and a 2-hour instructional video FULL of tricks. LIMITED SUPPLY.
In stock. $10.00 $5.00
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TIES: The Invisible Elastic System (40-Pack Saver) Levitate objects with confidence, this is the secret weapon pros use. Includes 40 TIES (about 50 cents each) and a 2-hour instructional video. LIMITED SUPPLY.
In stock. $19.95
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Hover Card Plus by Dan Harlan and Nicholas Lawrence The best card levitation of all time, now better than ever before. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $39.95
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Haunted Prelude by Rick Lax (Instant Download) A spine-tingling moment of haunted wonder. The PERFECT way to get everyone to FEEL the magic. LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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The Power by Casshan Wallace This trick creates awe. It looks more like you're controlling the forces of nature than performing a magic trick.
In stock. $19.95
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PK Coin by Nathan Kranzo (50 Euro) A worker's dream come true. A coin rises under your complete control with no possible explanation. Each coin is self-contained and hand-made by Roy Kueppers. LIMITED SUPPLY.
In stock. $39.95
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PK Coin by Nathan Kranzo (10p UK) A worker's dream come true. A coin rises under your complete control with no possible explanation. Each coin is self-contained and hand-made by Roy Kueppers. LIMITED SUPPLY.
In stock. $39.95
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