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The Vault - LVL$ by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD The New Las Vegas Leaper: Ok, this is so brilliant and so simple! Basically, you do the original PH routine with some new touches and add a whole new twist for the ending. You'll kick yourself for not having thought of it! You count 10 cards for you, and 10 for the spectator (who places their group
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The Vault - Tubular by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD Paul Harris does it again! Just his name tells you this will astound your audience. This is Paul's impromptu miracle where two signed bills impossibly morph into one bill with both names... all in the spectator's hands. The spectator sees the two bills signed separately at the beginning - their sign
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Juan Hundred Dollar Bill Switch by Doug McKenzie (DVD) Destined to become the new standard in bill switches...
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Hand Out 500 by Steve Haynes (DVD + Gimmick) Change five ONE dollar bills to five ONE HUNDRED dollar bills and then HAND IT OUT. The ULTIMATE in bill changes.
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First Hand by Justin Miller and Paul Harris (DVD + Gimmick) An instant bill change that happens IN YOUR SPECTATORS' HANDS. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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The Pickpocket Passport Wallet by Alan Wong and Gregory Wilson (Wallet + Download) A devastating pick-pocket routine used professionally by Gregory Wilson. No skill required. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Paul Harris Presents Phone Phreak by Jeff Prace & Paul Harris (iPhone 4) Paul Harris PresentsPhone PhreakCreated by Jeff Prace The PHREAKY automatic bill change! Nothing to palm, ditch, or steal. Everything can be examined! "This is literally the best idea involving a cell phone I've ever seen. Versatile, visual, and the method is revolutionary. If you have an iPhone, yo
Out of stock. $44.95
Paul Harris Presents Phone Phreak by Jeff Prace & Paul Harris (iPhone 5) Paul Harris PresentsPhone PhreakCreated by Jeff Prace The PHREAKY automatic bill change! Nothing to palm, ditch, or steal. Everything can be examined! "This is literally the best idea involving a cell phone I've ever seen. Versatile, visual, and the method is revolutionary. If you have an iPhone, yo
Out of stock. $44.95
Paul Harris Presents Phone Phreak by Jeff Prace & Paul Harris (iPhone 6) Paul Harris PresentsPhone PhreakCreated by Jeff Prace The PHREAKY automatic bill change! Nothing to palm, ditch, or steal. Everything can be examined! "This is literally the best idea involving a cell phone I've ever seen. Versatile, visual, and the method is revolutionary. If you have an iPhone, yo
Out of stock. $44.95
Street Thief by Paul Harris (U.S. Dollar) Paul Harris Presents Street Thiefby A.G. The Super Human Pickpocket Gimmick Make your wallet instantly vanish and re-appear in a SPECTATOR'S POCKET! All you need is the special Street Thief Wallet and you'll always be ready to steal the spotlight! WATCH THE DEMO NOW Easy to do Spectator places and r
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Paul Harris Presents SuperSlim Hip Pocket Mullica (With DVD) by Paul Harris and Tim Trono - DVD Countless Pros have tried every conceivable "Card to Wallet" out there and almost always end up using The Mullica Wallet. It's just hard to improve on perfection.You don't even need a deck! With Paul Harris' routine, you just borrow an ID card, and a moment later it's inside the zipped compartment o
Out of stock. $70.00
Pickpocket Passport (Gimmick and Online instructions) by Alan Wong & Gregory Wilson - Trick How many times do people check their watch or wallet when you tell them that you're a magician? Have you always wanted to learn the daring skills of a professional pickpocket but lacked the courage and confidence?Learning to actually pick pockets takes years of study and practice, but now The Pickpo
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