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Invisible Deck Blue (Bicycle) Performed on National Television! You will get absolutely enormous reactions every time. This effect is simple to perform... It's almost TOO POWERFUL!!! Highly Recommended
In stock. $7.50
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Black Flag by Lewis Le Val (Instant Download) The closest thing to a REAL playing card divination. They secretly choose a card from a shuffled deck that's HIDDEN FROM VIEW. Everything can be borrowed.
In stock. $9.95
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The Vault - The Subliminal Game by Jay Di Biase video DOWNLOAD Control their mind! A two-phase routine presented as a test regarding subliminal messages.Two predictions are given to the spectator at the beginning.The experiment is about the famous kids' game Rock, Paper, Scissors and how our unconscious mind receives hidden cues. The performer will be able to d
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El3don (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Mark Elsdon - Trick Mark Elsdon is a diabolical inventor of great magic, and has consulted for all of the big names in our industry. Here, he has put together three of his very favorite, original effects into one download bundle. Every single one is easy to perform and will elicit GASPS from the audience. The best news
Out of stock. $25.00
The Watch by Joo Miranda (Chrome Classic) Cutting edge mentalism for pros. Impossibly predict any time.
Out of stock. $450.00
Pinnacle (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Brian Caswell - Trick Pinnacle is the latest word on card and number effects. Brian Caswell started the buzz with card and number effects many years ago with Trilogy. Trilogy was a ground-breaking and best-selling effect. Pinnacle is a mixture of Trilogy and Brian's other best seller, Cataclysm. Imagine showing a deck of
In stock. $43.95 $36.04
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