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Tarbell 55: Magic with Ribbon (Instant Download) In this lesson on Magic with Ribbon, Dan has updated the handling of these interesting tricks, occasionally substituting other ribbon-like props to strengthen the effect.You'll learn how you can use a direct (yet deceptive) method for the cut and restored ribbon to illustrate many of life's challeng
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Tarbell 31: Rope Magic (Instant Download) You've NEVER seen rope do this! START LEARNING INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Tarbell 81: Modern Stage Magic (Instant Download) Tricks, devices, and routines adapted to work on the modern stage of today.
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Easy to Master Card Miracles Volume 4 by Michael Ammar - DVD The first three volumes took the magic world by storm. Consistently classic effects, broadcast quality filming and editing, free bonus effects which include the props, and teaching that is clear, concise, and effective. Each video contains ten classic effects performed before a live audience, multip
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Michael Ammar - Easy to Master Card Miracles - Volume 1 - DVD Volume One contains: 8 Card Brainwave (Nick Trost); Red Hot Mama (Ryan/Everhart/Leech); Acrobatic Aces; The Secret To A Perfect Royal Flush; Triumph (Dai Vernon); Further Than That (Stewart James); Las Vegas Leaper (Paul Harris)l; Cannibal Cards (Lin Searles); Card Thru Table; "A Night at the Improv
Out of stock. $35.00 $24.56
Michael Ammar - Easy to Master Card Miracles - Volume 2 - DVD Volume Two contains: Twisting The Aces (Dai Vernon); Daley's Last Trick (Dr. Jacob Daley); Card Warp (Roy Walton); Poker Routine (Dai Vernon); Poker Face (Al Baker); Overkill (Harris/Ackerman/Emberg); Card Through Handkerchief; Card Penetration Change (Cy Endfield); The Ambitious Card; Bonus Effect
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Michael Ammar - Easy to Master Card Miracles - Volume 3 - DVD Volume Three contains: Haunted Pack (Al Baker); Between The Palms (Alex Elmsley); Twins (Brother John Hamman); Title Bout (Martin Nash); Opening Stab (Nate Leipzig); Card In Wine Glass (Navio Martini/Michael Ammar); Jazz Aces (Darwin Ortiz/Peter Kane); Card In Wallet (Gary Plants/Michael Ammar) Colo
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Gregory Wilson In Action (3 DVD SET) An incredibly practical and MASSIVE collection of closeup miracles you can do anytime, anywhere with minimal setup.
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